® GeoSciML The History and Future of an International Geoscience Data Transfer Standard Ollie Raymond GeoSciML Standards Working Group, Open Geospatial Consortium St Petersburg, 3 June 2013
OGC ® What is GeoSciML GeoSciML is an XML-based data standard for exchange of complex geoscientific information UML data model XML markup language For complex Web Feature Services (WFS) GeoSciML - The History and Future of an International Geoscience Data Transfer Standard, St Petersburg, June 2013
OGC ® What is GeoSciML GeoSciML-Portrayal is an XML-based data transfer standard for simple feature geoscience information –The “baby brother” of GeoSciML –Allows delivery of a small and very simplified part of the full GeoSciML model –Can be used for simple features Web Feature Services (WFS) and for Web Map Services (WMS) –Analogous to a shapefile (GeoSciML-Portrayal) vs a relational geodatabase (GeoSciML) GeoSciML - The History and Future of an International Geoscience Data Transfer Standard, St Petersburg, June 2013
OGC ® Western Australia Northern Territory Why GeoSciML? The problem of incompatible data Unit identifier Age Description GeoSciML - The History and Future of an International Geoscience Data Transfer Standard, St Petersburg, June 2013
OGC ® How Does GeoSciML Work? GA VSEGEI BGS USGS GSC Canada USA UK Russia Source databases (eg, Oracle, ArcGIS, PostGIS, MySQL) Australia Web mapping apps, portals, GIS applications, modelling applications, analytical tools W W WW W W INTEROPERABILITY “My stuff works with your stuff” GeoSciML - The History and Future of an International Geoscience Data Transfer Standard, St Petersburg, June 2013
OGC ® How Does GeoSciML Work? GA VSEGEI BGS USGS GSC Canada USA UK Russia Source databases (eg, Oracle, ArcGIS, PostGIS, MySQL) Australia WMS WFS WMS WFS WMS WFS WMS WFS WMS WFS GSC mapping USGS mapping BGS mapping GA mapping VSEGEI mapping Transformation from database to GeoSciML schema Web services (eg, Geoserver, Snowflake, Deegree, Mapserver) Web mapping apps, portals, GIS applications, modelling applications, analytical tools W W WW W W GeoSciML GeoSciML-Portrayal GeoSciML GeoSciML-Portrayal GeoSciML GeoSciML-Portrayal GeoSciML GeoSciML-Portrayal GeoSciML GeoSciML-Portrayal GeoSciML - The History and Future of an International Geoscience Data Transfer Standard, St Petersburg, June 2013
OGC ® How Does GeoSciML Work? WMS WFS WMS WFS WMS WFS WMS WFS WMS WFS GA VSEGEI BGS USGS GSC GSC mapping USGS mapping BGS mapping GA mapping VSEGEI mapping Canada USA UK Russia Australia W W WW W W GeoSciML GeoSciML-Portrayal GeoSciML GeoSciML-Portrayal GeoSciML GeoSciML-Portrayal GeoSciML GeoSciML-Portrayal GeoSciML GeoSciML-Portrayal Many data formats One standard format Web mapping apps, portals, GIS applications, modelling applications, analytical tools GeoSciML - The History and Future of an International Geoscience Data Transfer Standard, St Petersburg, June 2013
OGC ® A Brief History British Geological Survey, UK CSIRO, Australia Geological Survey of Canada US Geological Survey Arizona Geological Survey, USA Geological Survey of Japan Geoscience Australia Geological Survey of Victoria, Australia BRGM, France Geological Survey of Sweden Geological Survey of Italy (ISPRA) Geological Survey of Finland GNS Science, New Zealand Landcare Research, New Zealand BGR, Germany plus many observers and in 2013, the Open Geospatial Consortium Contributing Organisations GeoSciML - The History and Future of an International Geoscience Data Transfer Standard, St Petersburg, June 2013
OGC ® A Brief History 2003, Edinburgh –first international meeting held to begin harmonisation of geological data models developed in North America, Europe, and Australia –seed of the IUGS Commission for Geoscience Information (CGI) –several precursor projects were considered, including the North American Data Model (NADM) the Australian Exploration and Mining Markup Language (XMML) the Multi-Lingual Thesaurus of Geology 2004, Ottawa & Florence CGI launched and its Interoperability Working Group (IWG) was formed –IWG would be the vehicle for GeoSciML development for the next 8 years GeoSciML - The History and Future of an International Geoscience Data Transfer Standard, St Petersburg, June 2013
OGC ® A Brief History 2004, Perth –first official meeting of the IWG GeoSciML Task Group 2005, Ottawa –GeoSciML version , Orleans, Liege & Brussels 2007, Tucson & Melbourne –GeoSciML version , Orleans, Uppsala & Oslo 2009, Quebec 2010, Rome 2011, Edinburgh 2012, Wellington –GeoSciML version GeoSciML - The History and Future of an International Geoscience Data Transfer Standard, St Petersburg, June 2013
OGC ® A Brief History January 2013, Redlands, Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) –Memorandum of Understanding signed between CGI and OGC –first meeting of the GeoSciML Standards Working Group under OGC GeoSciML will now be developed, documented and published within the OGC standards framework –using OGC standards specifications –with the imprimatur of an established multi-domain spatial standards organisation GeoSciML - The History and Future of an International Geoscience Data Transfer Standard, St Petersburg, June 2013
OGC ® GeoSciML - basic features The original use case for GeoSciML version 1 describe and exchange features found on a typical geological map GeoSciML - The History and Future of an International Geoscience Data Transfer Standard, St Petersburg, June 2013
OGC ® GeoSciML - basic features Describe features found on a typical geological map geological units −including unit relationships such as hierarchy GeoSciML - The History and Future of an International Geoscience Data Transfer Standard, St Petersburg, June 2013
OGC ® GeoSciML - basic features Describe features found on a typical geological map geological units contacts structures −faults −folds GeoSciML - The History and Future of an International Geoscience Data Transfer Standard, St Petersburg, June 2013
OGC ® GeoSciML - basic features Describe features found on a typical geological map geological units contacts structures −faults −folds earth materials GeoSciML - The History and Future of an International Geoscience Data Transfer Standard, St Petersburg, June 2013
OGC ® GeoSciML - basic features Describe features found on a typical geological map geological units contacts structures −faults −folds earth materials geological age GeoSciML - The History and Future of an International Geoscience Data Transfer Standard, St Petersburg, June 2013
OGC ® GeoSciML evolution Version 1 –geological units –contacts –geological structures –earth materials –geological age –geological feature relations –physical properties for structures only –timescale –vocabularies Version 2 additions –updates to geological units, events/age, earth materials, physical properties –added boreholes, fossils Version 3 –repackaged the model into 13 separate schema modules –updates to geological units, feature relations, events/age, physical properties, boreholes –added geomorphological units, alteration, geological sampling, laboratory analyses –changed the way that vocabularies and controlled terminology were handled GeoSciML - The History and Future of an International Geoscience Data Transfer Standard, St Petersburg, June 2013
OGC ® GeoSciML evolution Geography Markup Language (GML v3.2) Observations and Measurements (O&M v2.0) Sensor Web Enablement (SWE Common v2.0) GeoSciML version 3 uses and extends recently updated OGC and ISO standards, including: Some elements of GeoSciML v2 were retired in v3 in favour of using existing ISO and OGC standard elements eg, use SWE Common to deliver numeric and controlled terminology attributes GeoSciML - The History and Future of an International Geoscience Data Transfer Standard, St Petersburg, June 2013
OGC ® GeoSciML v3 GeoSciML - The History and Future of an International Geoscience Data Transfer Standard, St Petersburg, June 2013 Data model packages
OGC ® GeoSciML-Core GeoSciML - The History and Future of an International Geoscience Data Transfer Standard, St Petersburg, June 2013
OGC ® Describes the relationships between real-world geological feature types and their spatial representations on a map GeoSciML-Core GeoSciML - The History and Future of an International Geoscience Data Transfer Standard, St Petersburg, June 2013
OGC ® Geologic unit types and descriptions Age and geological history of units and structures event types and environments GeologicUnit, GeologicAge GeoSciML - The History and Future of an International Geoscience Data Transfer Standard, St Petersburg, June 2013
OGC ® Faults, shears, joints Unit contacts Foliations, lineations, layering Folds Structure orientation GeologicStructure GeoSciML - The History and Future of an International Geoscience Data Transfer Standard, St Petersburg, June 2013
OGC ® Geological timescale IUGS International Commission on Stratigraphy model hierarchical framework for geological time relations between defined time periods and datums Timescale GeoSciML - The History and Future of an International Geoscience Data Transfer Standard, St Petersburg, June 2013
OGC ® PhysicalProperties eg, magnetic susceptibility, remanence porosity, permeability, density, resistivity, conductivity, gamma ray, etc… GeoSciML - The History and Future of an International Geoscience Data Transfer Standard, St Petersburg, June 2013
OGC ® Earth Materials description of rocks and unconsolidated materials grainsize, textures alteration and metamorphic character relations between constituent materials, including fossils GeoSciML - The History and Future of an International Geoscience Data Transfer Standard, St Petersburg, June 2013
OGC ® Borehole GeoSciML - The History and Future of an International Geoscience Data Transfer Standard, St Petersburg, June 2013
OGC ® Extension of the ISO19156 Observations & Measurements standard for sampling features collar location, drilling methods, drilling purpose, etc downhole intervals and samples downhole surveys Borehole GeoSciML - The History and Future of an International Geoscience Data Transfer Standard, St Petersburg, June 2013
OGC ® New features in Version 3 GeoSciML - The History and Future of an International Geoscience Data Transfer Standard, St Petersburg, June 2013
OGC ® Geomorphology natural and anthropogenic features glacial landforms artificial ground landslides, scarps GeoSciML - The History and Future of an International Geoscience Data Transfer Standard, St Petersburg, June 2013
OGC ® Extends the ISO19156 Observations & Measurements data standard to better deliver geochemistry and geochronology data specimen descriptions analytical results sample preparation, instrument settings, detection limits, etc LaboratoryAnalysis-Specimen GeoSciML - The History and Future of an International Geoscience Data Transfer Standard, St Petersburg, June 2013
OGC ® GeoSciML after Version 3 User feedback indicated that the GeoSciML model and its many application schemas was too complicated to implement for new users with relatively simple data –an unfortunate consequence of trying model a highly complex scientific domain Strategy #1 - GeoSciML-Portrayal –develop a simplified data standard that could deliver a small core of GeoSciML using simple features WFS or WMS with a minimum of controlled terminology –geological units, contacts, faults, borehole collars –retained some controlled terminology to enable standard symbolisation of geological features (eg, using SLD for WMS) –Version 2 published in 2013 GeoSciML - The History and Future of an International Geoscience Data Transfer Standard, St Petersburg, June 2013
OGC ® The Future - GeoSciML v4 Strategy #2 - GeoSciML v4 –re-organise GeoSciML v3 to enable users to deliver all the core features of GeoSciML using one (or very few) XML application schemas –these core features would satisfy the majority of use cases asked by geologists of digital data. eg; “show me the geological units which contain shale” “show me the geological units of Permian age” “show me where the thrust faults are” –more complicated and less commonly used features, attributes and relationships are delivered by using extension schemas –work in progress –for discussion here in St Petersburg GeoSciML - The History and Future of an International Geoscience Data Transfer Standard, St Petersburg, June 2013
OGC ® The Future - GeoSciML v4 GeoSciML - The History and Future of an International Geoscience Data Transfer Standard, St Petersburg, June 2013 Basic features core with extension packages >
OGC ® The Future - GeoSciML v4 Age and Events Earth materials, Composition Physical Properties Geological Structures Geological Units Mapped Features GeoSciML - The History and Future of an International Geoscience Data Transfer Standard, St Petersburg, June 2013 Core GeoSciML features with only basic attributes
OGC ® The Future - GeoSciML v4 Age and Events Physical Properties Geological Structures Mapped Features Links to extension schemas GeoSciML - The History and Future of an International Geoscience Data Transfer Standard, St Petersburg, June 2013 Earth materials, Composition Geological Units
OGC ® Internet Resources GeoSciML - The History and Future of an International Geoscience Data Transfer Standard, St Petersburg, June 2013 GeoSciML home Mailing list GeoSciML Standards Working Group (members and observers) Public GeoSciML SWG wiki Wiki for GeoSciML work pre-OGC
® Thank you Any Questions? Ollie Raymond GeoSciML Standards Working Group, Open Geospatial Consortium IUGS Commission for the Management and Application of Geoscience Information Web: Phone: