First Aid Notes Child Care
Nosebleeds Child should be sitting in a chair. Put on gloves. Apply ice or “boo-boo bear” to bridge of nose. Tilt head slightly back. If bleeding continues for 15 minutes, contact parents.
Eye Injuries Foreign substance: Wash hands; examine eye; remove with slightly damp tissue Puncture: If object has penetrated eye, do NOT remove it. Contact medical help.
Common Cuts or Wounds Control bleeding by applying pressure Clean wound Apply bandage if needed
Bruises and Bumps Apply ice in a plastic bag to reduce swelling
Insect Bites and Stings Apply ice or a paste of baking soda and water to relieve pain. If there is a allergic reaction, contact medical personnel and parent.
Animal Bite Wash wound thoroughly. Control bleeding. Notify parents. Quarantine the animal.
Choking Check for object in throat. Apply Heimlich Maneuver (choking procedure) with inward and upward thrusts. Be prepared to give artificial respiration if child’s breathing stops.
Blisters Cover with bandage. Do NOT pop.
Burns Flood with cold water for 5-10 minutes. Apply aloe vera if available.
Sunburn Apply calamine lotion, vinegar, or aloe vera lotion.
Heat Exhaustion Symptoms: dizziness, nausea, staggering Have child lie down. Provide fresh air (fan). Cover with blanket. Give salt water to drink.
Broken Bones Do NOT move child. Get medical assistance.
Shock Caused by too little blood circulating Have child lie down. Elevate the feet. Cover with blanket. Turn head sideways. Give sips of water.
Poisoning Identify what has been digested. Call 911 or poison control. Follow directions to dilute poisoning. May have to give antidote (milk) or ipecac to induce vomiting.
Poisoning (continued) Do NOT induce vomiting if: 1.Child is unconscious. 2.Child swallows corrosive substance such as bleach, gasoline, etc. Remember what burns going down, will burn coming back up.