Submitting Mid-term Grades Tutorial v21 Submitting Mid-term Grades Tutorial
Submitting Mid-term Grades Tutorial v22 Learning Objectives As a vital part of the Provost’s efforts to promote student retention and graduation, all instructors and administrative staff members (including part-time instructors and graduate teaching assistants) must be able to enter mid-term grades directly to the Registrar via web-based procedures. This online tutorial will describe the process by which grades are submitted via the myUK portal.
Submitting Mid-term Grades Tutorial v23 Learning Objectives After completing this tutorial, you should be able to: Look-up Courses/Sections for Grading Enter Grades Validate Grades Correct Grading Errors Save Grades Before Submission Submit Grades to Registrar Request Grade Changes
Submitting Mid-term Grades Tutorial v24 myHelp CM Portal Access In order to submit grades, the user needs: To be designated as either the instructor of record for the course or identified as a valid appraiser of the course To sign a Statement of Responsibility (SOR) form located at If you are not the instructor of record, but will be entering grades, please work with your college contact to get this access assigned The college contact list is located at
Submitting Mid-term Grades Tutorial v25 myHelp CM Portal Access Establishing access is a one-time process for each user; however, grade submission is limited to the Mid-term and Final Grading Windows There are two grading windows for each session/semester during which grades can be entered and submitted: Mid-Term Grading Window October 8 – 17, 2007 Final Grading Window December 7 – 17, 2007
Submitting Mid-term Grades Tutorial v26 For mid-term grades, all undergraduate students are required to have a grade entered and submitted to the Registrar’s Office Grades can be saved BEFORE submission to the Registrar’s Office This will permit the grader to come back at a later date/time and complete the grading process Mid-term Grade Submission Rules
Submitting Mid-term Grades Tutorial v27 Web Portal Navigation To use the myUK Campus Management portal, go to
Submitting Mid-term Grades Tutorial v28 Web Portal Navigation Enter your AD (or MC) User ID and password, then click the Log On button
Submitting Mid-term Grades Tutorial v29 Web Portal Navigation Depending upon your access role in the system, your login screen may look different than this one
Submitting Mid-term Grades Tutorial v210 Student Administration Navigation On the Menu bar at the top of the myUK portal screen, click Student Administration
Submitting Mid-term Grades Tutorial v211 Student Administration Navigation The Student Administration Welcome page provides current news for Campus Management users
Submitting Mid-term Grades Tutorial v212 Mid-term Grading Navigation Click Faculty Services
Submitting Mid-term Grades Tutorial v213 Mid-term Grading Navigation Click Grading
Submitting Mid-term Grades Tutorial v214 Mid-term Grading Navigation Click the Drop-down List icon to select the appropriate Academic Year/Term
Submitting Mid-term Grades Tutorial v215 Mid-term Grading Navigation Select the appropriate Academic Year and Term
Submitting Mid-term Grades Tutorial v216 Mid-term Grading Navigation Click in the Grade Type field and select Mid-Term Grades
Submitting Mid-term Grades Tutorial v217 Mid-term Grading Navigation If you are the instructor of record for a course section, your course section will appear at the top of the Grading window. Click on the Select link beside the appropriate course section to start the grading process. For this tutorial, you will move through the process of selecting your course section.
Submitting Mid-term Grades Tutorial v218 Mid-term Grading Navigation If your course section is not listed, use the roster search function to pick your section Your access may provide any of the following levels: College level accessCollege level access Department level accessDepartment level access Course level accessCourse level access
Submitting Mid-term Grades Tutorial v219 Mid-term Grading Navigation Click in the Get Roster For field and make your first selection
Submitting Mid-term Grades Tutorial v220 Mid-term Grading Navigation Continue the process of clicking in the Selection field and selecting the next level until you have selected the section. Notice that your selections will become links that you can use to “back-up” to a previous level. At any time you can click the Reset button to begin the search again.
Submitting Mid-term Grades Tutorial v221 Mid-term Grading Navigation Click in the Select field and select the next level – in this example it is the department
Submitting Mid-term Grades Tutorial v222 Mid-term Grading Navigation Select the course
Submitting Mid-term Grades Tutorial v223 Mid-term Grading Navigation Select the section
Submitting Mid-term Grades Tutorial v224 Mid-term Grading The enrolled students will be displayed in alphabetical order. A grade may be entered in two ways: Entering the grade manuallyEntering the grade manually Selecting the grade from the listSelecting the grade from the list
Submitting Mid-term Grades Tutorial v225 Mid-term Grading Grades for all students may be entered at one time, or you may choose to enter some grades, save them, then return at a later time to finish entering grades.
Submitting Mid-term Grades Tutorial v226 Mid-term Grading Color-coding denotes whether the student is graded by the “Normal” grading scale or an “Other” grading scale, such as audit.
Submitting Mid-term Grades Tutorial v227 Mid-term Grading Normal is relevant to the course. If the course is a letter grade course, “Normal” is letter gradeIf the course is a letter grade course, “Normal” is letter grade If the course is a pass/fail course, “Normal” is pass/failIf the course is a pass/fail course, “Normal” is pass/fail
Submitting Mid-term Grades Tutorial v228 Entering Mid-term Grades Enter the grade manually into the Grade field OR click on the arrow and select the grade
Submitting Mid-term Grades Tutorial v229 Entering Mid-term Grades Continue the process until all grades have been entered.
Submitting Mid-term Grades Tutorial v230 Validate Grades Click Validate Grades to “check” the grades for errors.
Submitting Mid-term Grades Tutorial v231 Correcting Errors If any grade is not valid, an error message will display. The error must be corrected, and the grades validated again before you can submit them to the Registrar’s office.
Submitting Mid-term Grades Tutorial v232 Saving Mid-term Grades You may use the Save Grades functionality when you are entering grades. This feature allows you to come back at a later date to continue grade entry or make any necessary changes BEFORE submitting the grades.
Submitting Mid-term Grades Tutorial v233 Submitting Mid-term Grades Once the grading process is complete, click Submit Grades to Registrar. IMPORTANT: You must validate the grades and correct any errors before submission of grades.
Submitting Mid-term Grades Tutorial v234 Submitting Mid-term Grades Remember: All mid-term grades for undergraduate students MUST be entered and submitted.All mid-term grades for undergraduate students MUST be entered and submitted. Graduate student grade submission is allowed even if a grade is not assigned to every student.Graduate student grade submission is allowed even if a grade is not assigned to every student.
Submitting Mid-term Grades Tutorial v235 Submitting Mid-term Grades Once grades are submitted to the Registrar’s Office, the instructor(s) of record will receive an confirmation stating that the grades have been submitted for that course and section.
Submitting Mid-term Grades Tutorial v236 Submitting Mid-term Grades NOTE: Students will be able to log onto the myUK student portal and view grades immediately after submission to the Registrar has occurred.
Submitting Mid-term Grades Tutorial v237 After Grade Submission Once a grade change has been processed by the Registrar’s Office, an notification will be sent to the instructor of record, the person who submitted the grade change request (if different) and to the student. The will not contain the actual grade or course information due to FERPA regulations, but will give the student name, Student ID number, and academic year/session. Note: Please be aware that students will be able to log onto the myUK portal and view grades immediately, after submission to the Registrar’s Office has occurred
Submitting Mid-term Grades Tutorial v238 Mid-term Grading Summary Look-up Courses/Sections for Grading Enter Grades Validate Grades Correct Grading Errors Save Grades Before Submission Submit Grades to Registrar Request Grade Changes
Submitting Mid-term Grades Tutorial v239 Mid-term Grading Help Questions about the Mid-term Grading process may be directed to: College Dean’s Office Registrar’s Office Questions or suggestions about the Class Rolls and Mid-term Grading Tutorials may be directed to: IRIS Training Additional Resources may be found on myHelp:
Submitting Mid-term Grades Tutorial v240 Mid-term Grading Survey After reviewing this tutorial, please complete the brief survey available on the myHelp website Comments are welcome and are used to improve this tutorial