MR. TULK Social 30-1
Housekeeping I’ve corrected your tests, let’s pass them back. Also, let’s give back the vocab books. Then the Journals! I had a busy weekend!
Words Traditional Economy. Laissez-Faire Capitalism. Enclosure
Quick Review We’ve talked about John Locke. We’ve talked about Thomas Hobbes. We’ve talked about Adam Smith. We’ve talked about Montesquieu.
Let’s talk about J.S. Mill John Stuart Mill. He was interested in the development of and protection of Individual Freedoms. In “On Liberty” he described how the only laws that should be enforced were those that protected others. People should act as they want, as long as others are not harmed? What do you think? Can we think about ideas/laws that may be a little strange if we look at it this way?
His Free Speech “If all mankind minus one, were of one opinion, and only one person were of the contrary opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that person, then he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind.” John Stuart Mill, On Liberty (1859) What questions does this quote evoke?
Let’s look at Capitalism Again What was a Traditional Economy. The Conditions that led to the Revolution. Britain had a massive empire with people all around the world that needed/wanted products. 17 th century Britain moved from Absolute Monarchy to Constitutional Monarchy.
Hmmm. Absolute Monarchy: form of government where the monarch exercises ultimate governing authority as head of state and head of government. Constitutional Monarchy: a form of government in which a monarch acts as head of state within the perimeters of a written unwritten or blended constitution.
Now that we’ve addressed yet another Philosopher. Let’s look at page 102. Charles Dickens. 17 Century English author. Wrote some amazing books: Great Expectations. A tale of two cities. Oliver Twist. Hard Times A Christmas Carol. All of which drew on his experiences and observances of Industrializing England.
Let’s read the quotes. What is Dickens Philosophy. Which might disagree him, who might agree.
Income Gap and Cost of Living As rich people invested more money, they got richer and richer. With this, the gap between rich and poor got larger and larger. Peoples standard of living did not improve during the IR. Although people had more money, the cost of living also increased. I think we can understand that in this town!
Problems for the working class The ideas of “true” classical liberalism led to workers being mistreated. Cities became polluted and slums formed. Long hours, child labor, without government intervention.
Continued… Workers worked in unforgiving situations. Long hours, no ventilation, disease. There were also a sharp rise in child labor as families needed more income. Children were small, agile, and cheep.
Changes in Agriculture Prior to the 18 th century, Agriculture in Britain was tradition, with small farms practicing subsistence farming. The development of new farming technology allowed farms to be manned by few people. The workers on these new enclosed farms were forced to the citied to find work.
For now and homework In your journal thingy? (for lack of a better name) Use your book and discussion. Recreate the chart on page 113 and fill it out (With the exception of Ricardo!) Be Concise.