Welcome to IST 210: Organization of Data
Teaching Team Zihan Zhou – Ph.D in Electrical and Computer Engineering from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign – Office hour: 2:30-4:30pm Monday or by appointment – Office: 320 IST Building TA: Siddhartha Banerjee – Office hour: 2-3pm Tuesday 3-4pm Thursday – Location: 321D IST Building IST2102
Course Website IST2103 Log into your ANGEL You will see all course information on wikispace
Why are you here? It is a required course! – Pre-requisite for other advanced courses Why did IST make this course required? – Importance in organizing data, information, and knowledge And hopefully there is more! IST2104
How do you store your personal data? Example: Address book
Organization of the data is important Have you ever thought about how the data is organized behind these systems? – Class schedule system: – Online shopping system: Huge amount of data need to be well organized: we need a database to efficiently and accurately modify and query the data IST2106
Organization of the data is important Web 2.0 – Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, Wikipedia… How to deliver Web-2.0 services? – The central piece -- database Manage complicated data – Youtube.com: video clips, users, comments, tags, … – Facebook.com: profiles, photos, music, comments, … – Web service: search and data retrieval IST2107
Using Data for Competitive Advantage Success of companies relies on – Data: Wall Street companies – Flow of data: FedEx and UPS – Capabilities to extract information from data “What Wal-Mart Knows About Customers' Habits”What Wal-Mart Knows About Customers' Habits "How Target Figured Out A Teen Girl Was Pregnant Before Her Father Did” [Video]How Target Figured Out A Teen Girl Was Pregnant Before Her Father DidVideo 8IST210 beer "And the pre-hurricane top-selling item was _______.“ -- Linda M. Dillman, Wal-Mart's chief information officer
What is This Course About? Database – An effective and efficient way to organize data Key issues that will be covered in this course – How to design a database? Relational Database, E-R Diagram – How to query a database? SQL – How to build a website connecting with database? HTML, PHP, web server… Examples of course projects in previous classes – gxwj-OxA/videos gxwj-OxA/videos IST2109
How Will This Course Be Taught? Classes – 1:25 AM – 2:15 PM Monday, Wednesday and Friday in IST Room 110 – Lecture, discussion, (a lot of) in-class exercise, projects IST21010
Readings for Lectures Textbook: Database Concepts by Kroenke & Auer/ Pearson, 7 th edition Previous editions: content should be similar, assignments might be different IST21011
In Classes Attendance – Attendance is required for every class! – Attendance check: 6% in final grading – If you are not able to attend class with reasonable excuse, instructor or TA should be notified before class Class rule: Computers will be taken control during lecture time IST21012
After Classes Study groups strongly encouraged – Discuss general approaches, not specific answers to homework questions Keep track of up-to-date IT news and events – See how they can be related to this course IST21013
Assignments Five homework assignments – Key concepts in database Three programming assignments – Essential skills to apply the concepts to solve real-world problems Due: one week after an assignment is given Independent work! Do not exchange your answers with your classmates! Do not search for solutions online! University policy on Academic Integrity: freedom-conference-mediation.html freedom-conference-mediation.html
Project A web-based database system to demonstrate what you have learnt – Group project on an idea developed by your group – Database design and implementation – Innovation is strongly encouraged! Group will be assigned based on your technical backgrounds – Finish the survey on ANGEL before next class! – Group size: 4 students IST21015
Project (cont.) Five stage progress reports – Each has a very specific problem related to the project One final report – Put all progress reports together – Include the final result of your design Final in-class presentation IST21016
Project (cont.) Hands-on learning – Coding is an integral part of the class HTML, PHP, SQL Templates and examples will be provided – No coding experience Work hard Start early Don’t panic, we will help you – come to classes and come to office hours! IST21017
Coding in Fun IST21018 Never Give Up!
Submit Your Assignments All assignments must be submit online through ANGEL before deadline – Cut-off time on ANGEL: midnight – Strict late submission penalty After the deadline but less than 24 hours: 10% penalty More than 24 hours but less than hours late: 30% penalty No submission are accepted more than 48 hours late
Exam Midterm: Chapter 1-3 Final Exam: Everything we covered in class, with more focus on Chapter 4-5 IST21020
Grading Five Homework Assignments: 15% Three Programming Assignments: 9% Project: 35% Exams: 35% = 10% (Midterm) + 25% (Final) Class attendance: 6% IST21021
Grading: Project Group grade – 3% for each progress report (total 15%) – 10% for the final report – 10% for the final presentation Individual adjustment – For each report: 30% is related to individual contribution and involvement. Done your part of work: 15% Participation: 15% IST21022
Some Challenges You Will Face … Individual assignments – Some are time-consuming – Make good use of the office hours Programming – HTML, PHP, SQL – Do not worry about grading if zero experience 9% individual programming assignments Projects are done as a team No programming (HTML/PHP) in midterm exam and final Team project – This project is not something you can finish within 3 days, not even 3 weeks! – Team work is the key. IST21023
Team Work: Case Study Every semester, after finishing the project, I asked each team to write down what they have learnt… and here’s what one team say: StudentA (the “zero-experience” guy): I haven’t had very much coding experience. … However, working in this smaller group helped allow me to ask specific questions that I maybe didn’t know how to ask before. [StudentB] was extremely helpful with the SQL statements. [StudentC] helped clarify all of the PHP trouble that I was having in the beginning of the semester…. All in all it was a great experience and I’m really proud of the end result.
Team Work: Case Study StudentB (the “average” guy): …Working with [StudentA] and [StudentC] helped clarify some of the questions I had and really gave me the addition hands on experience that I needed in working with PHP…. To complete this project a lot of teamwork was needed. Each team member was able to use their strengths and help others with their weaknesses. StudentC (the “genius”): Obviously coming into this class with an extensive programming background and years of coding under my belt, much of the HTML and PHP was not at all a challenge to me. Early on I knew this would be the case and so I really pushed myself to do something really awesome, something that would actually be a rewarding challenge for myself, and hopefully my team as well…. I was extremely impressed with the results…including backend PHP and SQL done exclusively by the oh so awesome [StudentA] and [StudentB].
Question? 26IST210