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Presentation transcript:

EMERGING THREATS TO HUMAN SECURITY IN AFRICA Terrorism in historical perspective: definition, types causes and effects. By MR. JOHN DENSEN TIKIGBOMENI Paper Presented at the Security Training Organized by the Institute of Security Studies in collaboration with Geneva, at the African Centre for Peace and Security Training (ACPST), Addis Ababa, 23-28, September, 2013.

INTRODUCTION Today no other single issue has dominated the global strategic landscape as terrorism. We live in an age of international terrorism with its increasing scope of violence. The nature and types of terrorism has became more varied and complex and terrorism organizations even more evasive and difficult to understand.

Paper presented by: John Densen Tikigbomeni DEFINITION It defines terrorism as all “Criminal acts directed against a state and intended or calculated to create a state of terror in the minds of particular persons, or group of persons or the general public.2 26/9/2013 Paper presented by: John Densen Tikigbomeni

Paper presented by: John Densen Tikigbomeni OTHER DEFINITIONS According to the United Nations report : Terrorism is “(any action) intended to cause death or serious bodily harm to civilians or non-combatants, with the purpose of intimidating a population or compelling a government or an international organization to do or abstain from doing any act”. 26/9/2013 Paper presented by: John Densen Tikigbomeni

Paper presented by: John Densen Tikigbomeni 26/9/2013 Paper presented by: John Densen Tikigbomeni

Paper presented by: John Densen Tikigbomeni OTHER DEFINITIONS Also, The United States Federal Statute “Violent act or acts dangerous to human life that appear to be intended to intimidate or coerce a civilian population in influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or to effect the conduct of a government by assassination or kidnapping”.4 26/9/2013 Paper presented by: John Densen Tikigbomeni

OTHER DEFINITIONS Contd. The United Kingdoms legislation entitled: Terrorist Act 2000 Israeli Law in its prevention of terrorism ordinance No. The FBI The AU convention 26/9/2013 Paper presented by: John Densen Tikigbomeni

ONE WIDELY ACCEPTED DEFINITION Sees it as: “The use of violence against random civilian targets in order to intimidate or to create generalized pervasive fear for the purpose of achieving political goals”. 26/9/2013 Paper presented by: John Densen Tikigbomeni

ACT OF TERRORIST AS CRIME The act is unlawful It involves the use of threatened use of violence or force That violence or force is directed against individuals or property or society. It is designed to coerce a government or security. It supports political, ideological or religions objectives. 26/9/2013 Paper presented by: John Densen Tikigbomeni

COMMON ACTS OF TERRORISM Bombing. Assassination Kidnapping Hostage taking Hijacking Skyjacking 26/9/2013 Paper presented by: John Densen Tikigbomeni

Paper presented by: John Densen Tikigbomeni BOMBING 26/9/2013 Paper presented by: John Densen Tikigbomeni

Paper presented by: John Densen Tikigbomeni ASSASINATION 26/9/2013 Paper presented by: John Densen Tikigbomeni

Paper presented by: John Densen Tikigbomeni KIDNAPPING 26/9/2013 Paper presented by: John Densen Tikigbomeni

Paper presented by: John Densen Tikigbomeni HOSTAGE TAKING 26/9/2013 Paper presented by: John Densen Tikigbomeni

Paper presented by: John Densen Tikigbomeni ARSON 26/9/2013 Paper presented by: John Densen Tikigbomeni

HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE 1960s – 1970s : Baadei- Meinhof gang (Germany), the Red Brigades (Italy),the weather on the ground (USA), Aum Shiutikyo (Japan), Basque Separatists (Spain) IRA (Ireland). 1970s – 1980s : Hezbollah, Hamas, Taliban, Al- Qaeda. 1990s – 2000+ : Al-shabab, Boko Haram. 26/9/2013 Paper presented by: John Densen Tikigbomeni

Paper presented by: John Densen Tikigbomeni TYPES OF TERRORISM Political Terrorism Criminal Terrorist State or Repressive Terrorism Revolutionary Terrorism Sub-Revolutionary Terrorism 26/9/2013 Paper presented by: John Densen Tikigbomeni

Paper presented by: John Densen Tikigbomeni EMERGING THREAT Internet (a) Cyber Terrorism. (b) Communication. (c) Research. (d) Websites. WMD (a) Extremists want to use WMD. (b) Crude recipes for WMD on the internet. (c) Tokyo Sarin gas attacks in 1995. (d) US Anthax letters in 2001. (e) Attacks against petroleum, chemical or nuclear sites. 26/9/2013 Paper presented by: John Densen Tikigbomeni

Paper presented by: John Densen Tikigbomeni SUICIDE BOMBING The wave of contemporary suicide attacks is traceable back to October 1983 when a truck bomb destroyed a US Marine Barracks in Beirut, killing 241 soldiers and injuring more than 100 others.21 26/9/2013 Paper presented by: John Densen Tikigbomeni

Paper presented by: John Densen Tikigbomeni 26/9/2013 Paper presented by: John Densen Tikigbomeni

Paper presented by: John Densen Tikigbomeni CAUSES OF TERRORISM Its cause might be political most potentially, economic, religious, and in some cases, by the combination of these factors.27 26/9/2013 Paper presented by: John Densen Tikigbomeni

Paper presented by: John Densen Tikigbomeni MOTIVATING FACTORS Social and political injustice: People chose terrorism when they are typing to right what they perceive to be a social or political or historical wrong – when they have been stripped of their land or rights, or denied these. The belief that violence or its threat will be effective and usher in change. 26/9/2013 Paper presented by: John Densen Tikigbomeni

EFFECTS OF TERRORISM TO HUMAN SECURITY Intimidation Suicide Fear Destruction Publicity WMD Insecurity Internet Cyber-crime, Communication, etc. 26/9/2013 Paper presented by: John Densen Tikigbomeni

Paper presented by: John Densen Tikigbomeni CONCLUSION The effect of terrorism which is not only to terrorize and cause panic and intimidation to the political system, but it also affect stability of state. The fight against terrorism makes the terrorist one to fight more creating a state of total insecurity to affected nations. 26/9/2013 Paper presented by: John Densen Tikigbomeni

Paper presented by: John Densen Tikigbomeni THANK YOU 26/9/2013 Paper presented by: John Densen Tikigbomeni