Welcome! Sit anywhere! 2013-2014 School Year Fallon Middle School Ms. Breana Bush 6th grade Math and Advanced/Honors Math *
About Me High School Valedictorian Bachelors: UC Berkeley in Math Teaching Credentials: San Jose State Teaching Experience: 6th grade math, High School Geometry, 7th grade math
Materials Needed Daily Notebook for notes (not to tear out pages) SECTION in a binder for keeping corrected papers until end of quarter Pencils for homework and tests, pens and colored utensils may be used in notes, Red pen for correcting
Textbook LEAVE TEXTBOOK AT HOME! Cover textbook to prevent damage Online Textbook Access on my website in “web resources” section REG math only: Practice Workbook to bring daily (will receive soon)
HOMEWORK POLICIES Homework Every day (written in minder binder, also found on my website, YES even on weekends!) Late work for reduced points On a separate piece of paper, all work shown properly. There may be writing involved and full sentences are required. HW that earns partial credit for being incomplete or not enough work can be fixed and resubmitted In pencil
**Absences** #1 Reason for missing assignments Students responsible for getting homework from when absent and turning it in after the same number of days. Students should copy friend’s class notes from absence or get them on my website. Can make up tests during AP or after school.
Grading- Regular Math Our Fallon Math department has adopted the following grading scale: 50% Tests/Quizzes: Throughout the unit there will be assessments and an end of unit assessment. 20% Homework: Includes work from the practice workbook, problems of the week, projects, worksheets and the textbook. 30% Classwork/Participation/Notes check: Any work turned in during class will go in this category. Periodically I will check notes from students in their notebooks (they will be given advance notice).
Grading Advanced Math Our Fallon Math department has adopted the following grading scale: 55% Tests/Quizzes: Every unit will include assessments throughout and an end of unit exam. 20% Homework: Includes work from the practice workbook, problems of the week, other projects, worksheets and the textbook 25% Classwork/Participation/Notes check: Any work turned in during class will go in this category. Periodically I will check notes from students in their notebooks (they will be given advance notice).
Class Notes Expectations Almost every day In a notebook Notebook checked at least once per quarter with advanced notice given. Organized and NEAT!! Use when doing homework!
Student Notes Samples
Self Rating Students rate themselves on each topic on a 0-4 scale. Students take a pre and post test to see how they are improving This is in their notes so you can monitor their progress too This can be used as a study tool
Classroom Rules and Consequences Class rules: Be Respectful Be Responsible Be Resourceful Consequences: Yellow card warning Red card detention Referrals
Website and Contact information To access: Fallon School Teacher Sites Breana Bush Check homework assignments, long term assignments, upcoming quiz and test dates… GREAT tool when absent! bushbreana@dublinusd.net (best way to contact) (925)875-9376 ext. 6470.