Parent Information Session Monday 9 th September 2013
Today we will talk about… The Year 1 Team Daily Routines Uniform and PE Kit Timetable Communication Reading at ISP Other information Any questions
Year 1i Year 1s Year 1p Miss Sophie Miss Ffiona Miss Brihony Supporting Teacher Miss Gloria Head of Early Years Mr Adam
Miss Sophia Y1i Miss Teviya Y1s Miss Kathrina Y1p
Morning Drop Off -Children should not arrive at school before 7.45am as they will be unsupervised. -Children arriving between 7.45am and 8am will wait outside the classroom, supervised by the Classroom Assistants. -School day starts at 8am. Teachers will bring children into classrooms
Lunch Time and Snacks Snack time Children can bring in snacks from home or get a snack from the canteen using a token (RM2). Lunch Time Children can bring in a packed lunch or a token for school lunch from the canteen using a token (RM8). Tokens should be given to Ms Teviya in the morning or put in your child’s drawer. All children need to have a water bottle (labelled with name) in school. They can refill it as necessary at the water fountains.
Afternoon Collection Children using the school bus will be taken by a member of staff to the bus. They should wear a bus tag. Children can be collected from the classroom between 2:50pm and 3pm. Shortly after 3pm, teachers will take children to the pick-up area Please inform us if somebody else is collecting your child.
MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday PE Music Bahasa Malaysia Mandarin PE Library Bahasa Malaysia Mandarin Bahasa Malaysia Mandarin Literacy and Maths will be taught daily following objectives from the British National Curriculum Other classroom based subjects (Science, History, Geography, Art, DT, International and Society) are covered through learning different topics through the International Primary Curriculum (IPC). Languages are taught in half lessons (25 minutes) three times a week. ICT- use of iPads in class and suite with Mac computers.
On PE days children come to school in PE kit. They must bring in School Uniform to change into afterwards. On Fridays all children in the school wear their PE kits. Children should have a school cap for outdoor play and PE lessons. Please label all clothes with your child’s name.
Face to face discussion at beginning or end of day. at any Year 1 blog (accessed through ISP website) will be updated every Friday afternoon with curriculum information, news about upcoming events and photos Please notify me of absences or different pick-up arrangements by .
Range of fiction and non-fiction books arranged into stages. Focus on comprehension as well as decoding words. Books will be sent home after book week (30 th Sept). Children are expected to read at home daily. Reading diary- children can change their book daily if they have finished their book and it has been signed by an adult. Optional comment- what your child has done well, any discussions about the book, words they found tricky…. Each child will read with their teacher at least once a week. Bug Club- interactive online books (coming soon!)