Presentation to the Communications Portfolio Committee on the Telecommunications Amendment Bill Brett Dawson Managing Director
Agenda Objectives of the Bill Internet Solutions (IS) The ISP and VANS business model Can the Bill be improved to attain the Objectives ? Uncertain Definition of PSTS VOIP VANS Definition Strong Independent Regulator Multimedia Services Conclusion
Objectives of the Bill Certain and stable Regulatory environment Maximise value of Telkom and other State assets Drive Competitiveness of Telecommunications Industry and South Africa in general Enabling environment for SMME’s Extend Universal Service and upliftment Maximise opportunities that emerge from electronic activity.
Internet Solutions Successful SMME Started in 1993 by 3 University students. Today employ 340 people, 46% are PDI’s Services we provide: Internet Access - to 1800 Corporates and SMME’s VPN - Under OmniLink Company to 3000 offices/branches. VISP Remote Access - To over consumers (including ABSA) Security Hosting - Websites and Electronic applications Both OmniLink and IS are VANS Compete in a Vibrant, dynamic, compettitive Industry Hundreds of ISP’s, VPN’s and VANS providers in SA.
The ISP and VANS Business MODEL Recognise policy to obtain Basic Telco. Facilities from PSTN Licencee Then ISP’s & VANS provide extensive Value-added Services on-top of that. Security, user authentication, , Pro-active Management, Traffic prioritisation, Service Levels, Performance Reporting etc Bundle our Services together with the Basic Telco facilities into one package. For the Business Model to work the Telco facility MUST be shared: Affordibility - No SMME could afford a dedicated facility. Quality of Service So… let a dynamic industry continue to evolve above the basic Telco layer to ensure: Greater Universal Service Lower Cost to Consumers Vibrant SMME sector - across Whole country Service Innovation
Achieving the Objectives of the Bill Uncertainty of PSTS and PSTN defenitions Not clear exactly what is included in the “exclusivity” Ensure that we limit these to the Basic Telecommunications service IF VOIP privelige is “part of” PSTS then Bill overturns ICASA ruling that IP is a VANS service. Result - ISP and VANS Industry destroyed by HUGE Competitive advantage of PSTS Licencee.
Achieving the Objectives of the Bill VOIP Why do the PSTS Licencees need exclusivity on VOIP ? The ISP’s and VANS DON’T want to be PSTS’s, merely want to convey Voice signals with the Data signals. Basic facilities (that carry the voice and data) are obtained from the PSTS’s anyway. Why discriminate against the ISP’s and VANS and SMME’s (in higher teledensity areas) ? Seeking to assist SMME’s in under serviced areas but destroying in rest of Country ? Government White paper - Voice exclusivity over ! Let a Vibrant Industry compete in this space for the benefit of all South Africans. Let ISP’s and VANS transmit Voice
Achieving the Objectives of the Bill VANS Definition. VANS is a VANS worldwide - ‘electronic transaction service” makes no sense. ICASA has developed a defenition for VANS after extensive consultation - please use it IP is a VANS Service not a PSTS…….ICASA Ruling Allow Voice from May Don’t destroy an emerging Vibrant Industry now ! Data only(VANS) versus Data + Voice is the Death knell of the Industry. A VPN is NOT a PTN - Factually and ICASA Ruling.
PSTS’s can compete with VANS The PSTS Licencees can compete here anyway - through VANS licence. They have the size, muscle, skills, Government support, These are & will be Massive businesses. Let them have exclusivity over Basic Services and encourage Competition above that. Why do they need protection from ISP’s and VANS ? (eg VOIP exclusivity) We are Tiny businesses compared to them, with little means
Achieving the Objectives of the Bill Strong Independent Regulator There are three section 100 complaints currently affecting IS: Telkom versus OmniLink 1 Aug 2000 : not resolved Telkom versus Internet Solutions: 1 Feb 2001 : not resolved SAVA versus Telkom Nov 1999 : ruling in favour of SAVA 6 & 7 July 2000 Telkom took ruling to high court on review sent back to ICASA, not resolved Since Telkom witholds new services pending resolution of complaints, IS has had to build three backbone networks, two of which are frozen This clearly has enormous implications for service costs and operating efficiencies This has already stifled the growth of e-business initiatives amongst IS customers No section 100 complaint affecting IS has yet been resolved Must Beef up powers NOT dilute !!
Achieving the Objectives of the Bill IS has been operating under a difficult regulatory environment for more than four years Three networks, two frozen Hundreds of thousands in direct legal costs Man hours lost in legal disputes are critical for a small business Telkom can and does withold services to IS unilaterally No resolution of disputes by the regulator A weak Regulator will: Make it even more difficult for IS to continue its business Result in endless legal disputes, with PSTN licensees witholding services Put jobs in both IS itself and its 120-odd channel partners at risk Slow down the growth of electronic business in South Africa and stifle innovation Result in poor and overpriced service to SMME companies pursuing electronic business ventures
Achieving the Objectives of the Bill Strong, Independent Regulator required to maximise value of Telkom Listing. Avoid Voiciferous litigation, WTO complaints, Constitutional Complaints.
Achieving the Objectives of the Bill Multi-media services ( Convergence with broadcasters) Overlap with VANS without restrictions - Voice and leasing of basic facilities. This will enable them to compete at unfair level of service and discriminatory pricing that will drive ISP’s and VANS out of business. RATHER: Licence as a VANS Allow VANS to carry Voice Ensures same result.
Conclusion Objectives of Bill met if: Clearly define boundaries of PSTS to Basic facilities Allow ISP’s and VANS to compete for Value-added services with all other parties PSTS’s, SMME’s and Multi-media services. Define VANS correctly and Let VANS carry voice. Allow Basic Infrastructure to be shared. Ensure we have a strong Independent Regulator. IS appeals to you to make the necessary ammendments to ensure we have a Vibrant Industry, a more compettitive Country and greater Universal access to telecommunications services.
Thank You