1. What is the Louisiana Medicaid Provider Web site? It is a Web site designed for the Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals that contains useful information regarding the Medicaid program. It also offers several secured applications for providers. 2. Who can use the LA Medicaid Provider Web site? The web site is available to all currently enrolled providers participating in Louisiana's Medicaid Program. 3. What applications will be available on the web site (for the CCN Program)? The following secured applications will be available to enrolled CCN providers: 820 File Download: used to download monthly capitation (prepaid) or fee payment (shared) 820 files. Claims History Download: used to download the weekly claims history file. Provider Registry Upload: used to upload the initial and monthly provider registry files. 4. What is the URL for the LA Medicaid Provider Web site? It is located on the Internet at the web address: 5. How do I register on the LA Medicaid Provider Web site? In order to use the secured provider applications, you must register on On the main page of there is a link near the bottom left side of the page, named PROVIDER WEB ACCOUNT REGISTRATION INSTRUCTIONS. You should click on this link to go to a page where you may download the instructions onto your computer. 6. What do I need to register on You need a valid Louisiana Medicaid Provider ID Number, an Internet access account with an ISP (Internet Service Provider), an Internet account, and a computer with an Internet browser, like Microsoft's Internet Explorer 7.0 (or later version) and Mozilla’s Firefox 3.0 (or later version). [NOTE: Your browser needs to support SSL (secured sockets layer) with 128-bit encryption, also it should accept session cookies, and ActiveX and Javascript must be enabled.] 7. Who do I contact if I need technical support with registration on ? Please contact Molina Technical Support help-desk at (toll-free) or via at LA Medicaid Provider Web Site FACT SHEET © 2010 Molina Medicaid Solutions, All Rights Reserved.
1. How to enroll for Coordinated Care Network Pre-Paid testing with Edifecs? Please and request enrollment for testing. An enrollment form will be ed to you. Upon receipt, the CCN-P will be enrolled for testing and an will be generated with login information. *Note: A Louisiana Medicaid Provider ID is required for testing enrollment. Enrollment information can be downloaded from the website. 2. How to enroll for Coordinated Care Network Shared Savings testing? Go to and select the link on the left hand side of the web page “HIPAA Billing Instructions and Companion Guides”. Download the “EDI General Companion Guide” for testing instructions. *Note: A Louisiana Medicaid Provider ID and Submitter ID are required for testing. Enrollment information can be downloaded from the website. 2. Who do I contact for additional information on CCN testing? Randy Fillmore at or Jeff Raymond at LA Medicaid CCN Testing FACT SHEET © 2010 Molina Medicaid Solutions, All Rights Reserved.