Introduction to the Hawkes Learning Systems Environment for Math 2205, Statistics
What is it? Computer-based courseware Kind of like MyMathLab by Pearson Education, as used here at Darton State College for Math 0097 and Math 0099
Some differences from MyMathLab Different publisher ◦ Hawkes Learning Systems and Quant Software do math and only math Better graphics and navigation (in my opinion) Less expensive Home use does require software installation; it’s not entirely in the web browser
Why are we using this? Troubles with the traditional Math 2205 ◦ Expensive textbook ◦ Pencil and paper homework ◦ Limited time/space for homework comments ◦ Did anyone read my written feedback anyway? My dissatisfaction with the results ◦ Some lousy pencil-pushing homework handed in ◦ Or asking for help a week too late
How to fix those shortcomings? I asked for permission to try this and the Dean said “You have my support.” (exact quote) Advantages ◦ Help and “Tutor” are built into the software ◦ You get immediate feedback on right/wrong ◦ No more agonizing over partial credit grading ◦ Sliding scale for credit for late homework ◦ You can work ahead if you want to ◦ Did I mention the price?
Things you need to do to get started Purchase an access code ◦ Unless already included in software purchase ◦ Direct from publisher’s web site is cheapest If you’re going to use it at home ◦ Download the software (if you don’t have the CD) ◦ Install the software Follow instructions on the handout
Using the software Table of contents – chapters and lessons Each lesson has buttons for ◦ “Instruct” – like a textbook presentation ◦ “Practice” – practice doing problems ◦ “Certify” – do problems without help for credit “Web Test” ◦ Examinations that cover a chapter or more
Instruct and Practice and Certify Start with INSTRUCT if math is difficult for you. Click through their pages Read what they say Listen to the audio, too, if that’s helpful to you. But remember there are some shortcuts in my slides.
“Instruct” Like a textbook Usually about 10 screens in a lesson Sometimes animations and interactions Voice available ◦ Helpful if you believe you’re “an audio learner” If math is hard for you, then take time to go through the “Instruct” at least once! Also watch the video at
Instruct and Practice and Certify PRACTICE gives you some problems to do. The TUTOR with its show-me-how is available in PRACTICE mode. If the current lesson is “not easy” for you, consider spending some time in PRACTICE before trying to CERTIFY.
“Practice” “Practice” is to practice problems before you attempt to “Certify” The “Tutor” and all the helps are available It is pretty good at anticipating common errors and diagnosing them specifically. BEWARE, again, about some cases where their help leads you through long formula calculations instead of my shortcuts.
“Practice” There are different levels of “Practice” ◦ “Pre-Certify” (that should be the default) ◦ Also can switch to easy, medium, hard ◦ If you’re having a rough time, maybe switch to an easier level and work your way up If math is not easy for you, then take time to do the “Practice” !!! Do not skip “Practice” !!!
Putting their help in its right place Don’t automatically click the Help on every problem and assume “that must be the way to do it”. Use my notes and handouts, too. If you aren’t sure, ask. Visit. Send . Find out for sure before diving into a deep pool of unnecessary tedium.
Instruct and Practice and Certify CERTIFY is how you get credit for doing the homework. You can skip INSTRUCT and PRACTICE if you’re pretty confident about the lesson.
“Certify” “Certify” is the way to get credit for a lesson The helps are not available You have to get a certain number right If you get too many wrong, it dumps you back into “Practice”
* Examinations look a lot like the homework Practice Test – strongly recommended! ◦ At least a click-through to see the problems. ◦ And try as many as you think you should try
- Lessons Click on link for “Beginning Statistics” It’s near bottom of the left-hand column The video window is a pop-up There is a lesson-by-lesson menu of videos to choose from there in the pop-up menu. Spring 2013 – reviews were mixed. Too short, too shallow. Fall 2013 – I wonder if they redid the videos for the new 2 nd Edition? Someone tell me…
- Orientation There is a link for “Student Training” It’s at the top of the right-hand column The pop-up window has several videos to choose from. The first one is “Student Training Video”, 20:19
- Orientation There is a link for “Student Training” It’s at the top of the right-hand column Student Training en español near bottom of list Also at top of right-hand column is Mac installation video (4:29)
Assignments – to be done Promptly! These cannot be delayed. 1. Obtain your access code… 2. …and get enrolled in the Hawkes course. 3. If you plan to use your home computer, install the Hawkes software. See handout: The Student_Directions.pdf handout The Student_Directions.pdf handout
* Recommend: sort it by due date It shows all the assignments, the due dates, and your scores. And all the scores from Exams (WebTest) Bonus (Extra Credit) ones are listed at the bottom. To get the full credit, complete the Certify before the due date, which is before the next meeting. After that, the point values gradually decline.