Monroe Doctrine Time of Peace in Europe Major powers try to reclaim land in the Americas US does not like this President Monroe says do not interfere with North America and we will not interfere with Europe
Panama Canal -France –France believed a canal would be easy to build after seeing the Suez Canal being built. –Colombia allowed them to build.
Panama Canal -Difficulties –Suez canal was basically a ditch through sand. (no real problems) Panama Canal –Mountains –Many rivers in the way –Most serious problem Tropical Disease -Malaria -Yellow Fever
Panama Canal U.S. interest in Canal –Many people move to West Coast –Canal makes for faster trip. –America realizes canal would be helpful in time of war (Spanish American War)
Panama Canal -US involvement in building canal –France can not over come difficulties –France allows US to take control of land to build canal –Colombia will not let U.S. build –America convinces Panama to declare independence
Panama Canal -Panama declares Independence –US supplies money and ships –Panama promises to let U.S. build canal if freedom is won.
Panama Canal US builds canal –U.S. has same problem France had –U.S. fights on and completes canal
Panama Canal Results –Faster way to get to east coast –Saves money –Open October 10, 1913 –Cost $375,000,000 –75,000 worked on canal –5,609 died
Spanish American War Spain controlled Cuba US always had interest in Cuba (90 miles from Florida) Spain would not sale Cuba to US
Spanish American War Cubans revolt against Spain. Does not work –Valeriano Weyler sent to put revolt down –Locked 300,000 in concentration camps
Spanish American War Yellow Journalism –William Randolph Hearst and Joseph Pulitzer print exaggerated stories –Claimed Weyler poisoned drinking wells. –Many believe the stories –Stories were made up to sale papers.
Spanish American War William McKinley –Demands America to intervene –Diplomats were sent and tension diminished
Spanish American War A Cuban stole a letter written by Enrique Dupuy de Lome (Spanish minister to U.S.) Letter said McKinley was weak Letter was published in newspapers and de Lome resigned and Spain apologized.
Spanish American War U.S.S. Maine –Resentment builds after the de Lome letter. –U.S.S. Maine is ordered to Cuba to bring Americans back –Ship blows up in Havana Harbor –260 men were killed. –Yellow Journalism makes it look like Spain did it –People call for war.
Spanish American War War begins –Starts in the Philippines George Dewey commands Navy and orders U.S. to open fire Within a couple hours every Spanish ship is sunk
Spanish American War Caribbean –Starts with a blockade of Cuba –Navy was good but soldiers were not Inexperienced Lack of leadership
Spanish American War Rough Riders –Volunteer cavalry led by Theodore Roosevelt –Gave some experience to the troops –They cleared the way for infantry to take San Juan Hill –Spanish fleet tried to escape however it was destroyed by US navy in the process.
Spanish American War Treaty of Paris –Ends the war –Spain freed Cuba –Guam and Puerto Rico turned over to U.S. –Philippines sold to US for $20 million
World War I Causes –Imperialism – taking over other empires for economic and political control of people –Nationalism – devotion to the interest and culture of one’s nation –Militarism – the development of armed forces and their use as a tool of diplomacy. –Alliance System – group of people/countries working together to accomplish a goal.
World War I Archduke Franz Ferdinand –Heir to Austrian throne assassinated in Sarajevo by Serbs. –Austria declares war on Serbia –Alliance system caused many other nations into the war.
Ferndinand and Princip
World War I Americas involvement in war –US citizens had ties to countries in Europe. –Many did not want war because it did not threaten our people or property. –US declares Neutrality
World War I US economy –Countries from both sides of fight sent request for supplies. –U.S. makes money –We could not work fast enough and did not have enough workers to make all that was requested.
World War I British Blockade –England blocks ports leading into Germany –America can not deliver supplies to Germany –Germany can not grow crops and famine hits the country Upsets U.S. Germany response with Submarine Warfare.
World War I Lusitania Any boat blockading Germany was blown up by submarines Also any boats carrying supplies was attacked. U-boats attacked and blew up the Lusitania a British cruise ship. –128 Americans were on board –Germany tried to say it was carrying ammunition. America starts to turn on Germany
World War I Zimmermann Note –Germany knew U.S. was leaning toward helping Allies –Germany sent a telegram to Mexico –If Mexico supports Germany they would get their lost land back when the war ends. America declares war
Allies and Central Powers France Britain Russia United States Why did the US side with the Allies? Germany Austria-Hungary Ottoman Empire
Building an Army Selective Service Act –Requires men to register for draft –24 millions register –3 million were called
America at War Mass Production –US had to figure out how to transport: Men Food Equipment –Submarine warfare made it difficult
US turns the Tide Convoy System –Destroyers led way for merchant ships. –Cut shipping losses in half
US Turns the Tide Allied forces exhausted after 2 ½ yrs of fighting. America = freshness and enthusiasm
New Weapons Machine Gun Tanks Airplane Poison Gas
Fighting Trench warfare –Both sides dug trenches in the ground –Stayed there for 3 years –Fought for mere yards No Man’s Land –Space between each sides trenches –Men were mowed down if trying to cross.
New Hazards New weapons led to more injured Health –Rats –Lice –Polluted water = dysentery –Trench Foot
End of War Nov. 3, 1918 – Austria Hungary surrenders and German sailors mutinied against Gov’t Nov. 9, 1918 – Kaiser resigned in Germany Nov, 1918 – To exhausted and hungry Germany surrenders
Toll of War 22 million dead –½ civilians –48,000 US –62,000 US died of disease 10 million refugees Cost $338 billion