Spheres of Influence-McKinley China European powers carve China into distinct spheres of influence Each power has access to Chinese ports and markets Secretary of State John Hay “Perfect equality of treatment for commerce” in China
Boxer Rebellion-McKinley Righteous and Harmonious Fists- “Boxers” Rebellion against “foreign devils” Multinational force of European, American and Japanese troops stop the rebellion Boxers forced to pay money to repair damages John Hay enforces Open Door Policy U.S. does not want colonies it only wants free trade U.S. uses some of the money paid by Boxers to help fund education for Chinese students
Teddy Roosevelt Ends Russo-Japanese War (Treaty of Portsmouth) Awarded Nobel Peace Prize “Gentlemen’s Agreement” U.S. agrees to end Asian segregation Japan limits Japanese emigration Great White Fleet 16 battleships- “good will cruise” around the world U.S. increase in naval power
Big Stick Policy “Speak softly and carry a big stick; you will go far.” U.S. acquires Panama Canal Acquired PC for $40 million Roosevelt Corollary U.S. assumes role of police power of Latin America Prevent European intervention
Taft Dollar Diplomacy Substitute “dollars for bullets” Increase American investments in Latin America Plantations Mines Oil Wells Railways
Wilson Moral Diplomacy “Human rights, Integrity and Opportunity” Mexico Pancho Villa Raids in New Mexico kill Americans Wilson send army to capture Villa U.S. army fails to capture Villa