English Exciting Day 2!!
Agenda Go over Wiki Go over AR requirements Discuss DOL Work on descriptive writing, paper bag assignment. Do images assignment Do story assignment
DOL-commas, spelling – –1. Dr Mitchells hole address is 209 Buena Vista Avenue Northport NE but you listed the street address as 209 Buena Vista Drive – –2. After eight hours fifty one miles and three sets of locks you can pass through the Panama Canal but first you have to pay a toll which can be as much as $ for a large cruise ship. – –Analogies: – –1. biologist : microscope : : _____________ : telescope – –2. __________ : donkey : : Republican : elephant
Answer Key – –1. Dr. Mitchell’s whole address is 209 Buena Vista Avenue, Northport, NE 68409, but you listed the street address as 209 Buena Vista Drive. – –2. After eight hours, fifty-one miles, and three sets of locks, you can pass through the Panama Canal, but first you have to pay a toll, which can be as much as $100,000 for a large cruise ship. – –Analogies: – –1. biologist : microscope : : Astronomer: telescope – –2. Democrat : donkey : : Republican : elephant
Descriptive writing Discuss worksheet
Assignment 2 In your notebook (the one you will use only for English) write a one sentence description of what you think is in the paper bag. You may not look, you will not use your sense of sight.
Image Assignment In your notebook (the one you will use ONLY for English) write the first thing that pops into your head when you look at the images. We will go through the images twice. Be descriptive, what emotion does the image make you have, what does it remind you of, etc. Make sure it’s appropriate.
Homework After looking at the pictures, choose one to create a story about. Add details and be descriptive. Due at the beginning of class tomorrow, you have the rest of class to work on it. Questions?? Questions??