English Language Arts 10-2 Introduction Instructor: Mrs. Adolf
Before we start… Introductions Guidelines: –Be respectful of others –Don’t type messages during class unless asked (I can see ALL private messages….) –Pay attention –Arrive on time –Attend all tutorials
How does online ELA work? Combination of: –Lessons - assignments –Tutorials –Vocabulary –Discussion Board –Quizzes and Exams And now for a closer look…
Lessons – assignments Lessons are posted one unit at a time in D2L. Print them out one unit at a time (as drafts) – that way if ISP or server errors prevent you from reaching the website, you will still have access to your work. Most lessons contain an assignment at the end – but a few are just “theory”. Read carefully. You may work ahead, but not in the other direction. Pay attention as to what form the assignment takes – whether you are to create your answer in, a Word document, a.wav file, or a PowerPoint slide show. Assignments and exams are due at midnight.
Dropbox All ELA assignments are submitted using the dropbox. If you are having troubles attaching, try deleting any spaces in the title of the file.
Dropbox All ELA assignments are submitted using the dropbox. Why? –easy to see what has/ has not been completed –keeps your assignments in one location –easier to find for review –no more lost s If you are having troubles attaching, try deleting any spaces in the title of the file.
Checklist Use this tool to ensure that you have completed all assignments, readings, quizzes, and exams in any given unit.
Locker Use this feature if you tend to work on more than one computer, or if you share a computer.
Tutorials Tutorials are held once a week for 50 min How are tutorials marked? –10% of your final course mark is from tutorial attendance and participation. –If you miss a session, for ANY reason, it is your responsibility to view the archived tutorial file, posted under the “archives” icon on my ELA 10-2 homepage, and send me a 3-5 sentence summary via . –A potential of five marks are earned (or lost) at each session. Attendance in tutorial does not simply consist of 'logging on'. You must be prepared to partake in the discussion, and answer questions when called upon. If you are not 'there' to answer when I direct a question to you, it will be presumed you are not really in attendance.
Vocabulary Vocabulary study comprises 10% of your final course grade. All vocab lessons are found under “Vocabulary”. Before looking at the definition of a word, look at how it is used in a sentence, and try to determine its meaning through the use of context clues, suffix/prefix/root clues, etc. Part B of your final exam is a reading test. You are NOT allowed a dictionary or thesaurus, and will have to use the skills gained in the vocabulary study to help you determine the meanings of unfamiliar words. In the “real world”, a person may be judged by the vocabulary that is used – building your vocabulary is always a good idea.
Discussion Board discussions
Quizzes and Exams Vocabulary quizzes occur every third list. Vocabulary quizzes are on-line and NOT open book. Most units end with an exam, either on-line or ed to your key parent. None of the unit exams is open book. Parental supervision is required for all quizzes and exams. Quizzes and exams are open for the entire 24-hour day, in an effort to accommodate working students and parents, but I can only guarantee my help on any problems that occur during regular school hours.
Resources References Grammar and Punctuation Clipart Writing Literature Research Studying Museums
Organization - thematic Theory (poetry, short story, non-fiction, essay-writing, visuals, job skills, persuasive writing) Ordinary People ( Shrek ) Risk Taking ( Deathwatch ) The Unknown (modern drama) genre studied – poetry, short story, non-fiction, visuals, feature film, modern drama, novel thematic organization aids in making connections from one piece of literature to another – a necessary skill for the final exam, but also in the “real world”
Need help??? If you need help, send a detailed that has the word “question” or ? symbol in the subject heading along with the course title (eg. ELA 10-2 ?) Be specific – on what lesson are you working and where are you stuck? Do NOT wait until an assignment is due, and then submit it saying, “I don’t get it.” Ask for help as the problem arises. When time permits, I will stay at the end of a tutorial session to answer individual questions.
Help me out! Report “broken” links Check announcements, calendar, and daily. Keep your key parents informed. Read carefully BEFORE ing. If you miss a tutorial, review it – your question will likely have been answered during a missed session.
Your turn…. Any questions?