Welcome to the second Coffee Morning Thursday 26 th June 2014
To update you on the progress in MFL this year To inform you of future plans and developments The aims of this session are:
MFL Primary PTCs Held over 3 days at the end of Term 2 Teachers noted feedback and answered a wide range of questions Feedback has been welcomed - one popular suggestion was ‘look, cover, spell’ to test vocabulary - this will be used in conjunction with the Haiku vocabulary Will happen again next year
Malay Literacy Programme For all Year 4 to Year 6 students Teachers can suggest books A range of appropriate books for all levels
New Resources and Investment in Languages Language Nut - worldwide language competition ‘Lingualympics’ Levelled activities sorted by topic - including grammar exercises – accessible on iPad and at home for parents to add support All languages taught at ISP plus others will be accessible to all students with extra access to EAL resources for students on the EAL programme
Language CCAs French German Mandarin First Language Mandarin Foreign Language
Looking Ahead
MFL Staffing for 2014/15 Mr Nick – French/Business Studies/EAL Mr Pablo* - Spanish Year 5 - Year 11 Mr Nizam - Malay Years 2, 3, 4, 7-11 Miss Aida - Malay Nursery – Year 6, Year 9 Miss Lana - Malay Year 1 - Year 8 Miss Lee Ying - Mandarin Years 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 9-11 Miss Stephanie - Mandarin Years 1, 2, 4, 5, 8-11 Miss Li Xuan* - Mandarin Nursery – Year 6 A new Mandarin teacher has been appointed – further details will be made available on the website in due course *new staff
Setting We have created a timetable specifically to enable us to have MFL lessons taught at the same time for students in the same year group. Setting will be used from Year 1 - Year 11 where class sizes allow. Mandarin will be taught as a First Language to students who are able to follow the more demanding course and will be set at 2-3 different levels according to the number of students Malay will be set according to ability
Teaching Time Hours and allocations will remain the same For those Year 5 and 6 students who choose Mandarin or Spanish, they will study that subject throughout the school year
Grouping and language choices will be finalised by Monday 8 th September 2014 Overviews of study will be published in September 2014 for Years 1-10 Bahasa Malaysia will not be compulsory for non- Malaysians Considerable investment into new text books and course for Mandarin, Malay, French and Spanish French will begin for Year 10 students
Thank you Any Questions? Thursday 26 th June 2014