NDE Transition Conference October 14, 2014
Opportunities for All! An overview of resources for: Individuals with intellectual/developmental disabilities (I/DD) Transition students Family/guardians of transition students & individuals with I/DD Agency professionals Educators 2
Our Work Fritz & O’Hare Associates: Who are we? Funding source: Projects discussed today funded by the Nebraska Planning Council on Developmental Disabilities. In collaboration with: Division of Developmental Disabilities Department of Education – Special Education Southeast Community College Individuals and Families 3
What: Web-based set of materials and resources Purpose: To assist in making decisions about services and supports for young adults with intellectual or developmental disabilities as they move from high school to adult life 4
Target Audience: Students Parents/Guardians Educators/Agency Professionals Website hosted on: Nebraska Department of Education Transition site 5
What: Online course designed for individuals with intellectual or developmental disabilities and their independent (non-specialized) providers Purpose: To provide information to assist the individual and provider in working together to increase the individual’s opportunities to live, work and participate in the community 6
Modules include: Building a Partnership Creating a Good Life Getting Involved in the Community Teaching and Learning Going to Work 7
What: New course designed in collaboration with Southeast Community College Purpose: To increase meaningful participation in the Individual Education Plan (IEP) and Individual Support Plan (ISP) process 8
Target Audience: Students with an IEP Parents/guardians of students with an IEP Individuals receiving services funded by the Division of Developmental Disabilities (DDD) Families/guardians of individuals receiving DDD services 9
Four Modules: The Student and the IEP The Parent and the IEP The Individual and the ISP The Family/Guardian and the ISP 10
More About the Courses Self-paced modules, designed for individual or group viewing Currently offered free through grant from the NE Planning Council on Developmental Disabilities To register or for more information, contact: Southeast Community College Continuing Education Division