Writers of the Renaissance A New Kind of Literature
“How-to” Books Poets, artists, & scholars mingled with politicians “How-to” books were demanded
Niccolo Machiavelli Italian author “The ends justify the means.” Believed strict leadership could unite Italy
Baldassare Castiglione Italian humanist, diplomat & courtier Authority on aristocratic manners
The Book of the Courtier "Men demonstrate their courage far more often in little things than in great." What did he mean?
Northern Humanists Stressed education & classical learning Emphasized religious themes. Use ancient learning to bring religious & moral reform.
Francesco Petrarch One of the first humanists Wrote poetry – “Sonnets to Laura” Considered some of the greatest love poems in literature
Francesco Petrarch (continued) Believed classical writers were committed to virtue in public & private life Desire for salvation versus fame
Sir Thomas More An English Humanist Published “Utopia” Executed by King Henry VIII
Utopia “Under such a system, there’s bound to be plenty of everything, and as everything is divided equally among the entire population, there obviously can’t be any poor people or beggars.”
Writers for a New Audience New demand for works in the vernacular Demand for dramatic tales & earthly comedies
William Shakespeare English poet & playwright Wrote comedies, historical plays & tragedies
Hamlet “To be, or not to be: that is the question: Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, or to take arms against a sea of troubles, and by opposing end them?”
Words of Wisdom Machiavelli & Castiglione wrote “how-to” guides for nobles who wanted to rise to power. Now it’s your turn to write a “how-to” guide, but not for nobleman of the Renaissance… for the Freshman of Appoquinimink High School. Write 10 guidelines for Freshman Survival at AHS. Remember, we want to help them make it to graduation in 4 short years. So impart some wisdom! This will be collected!