PRAYER Power of prayer –Matthew 21:22 Importance of prayer –Matthew 6:9; Matthew 14:23; Necessity of prayer –Ephesians 6:18 Prayer Requests from school community –Schomaker family, Bev Koch, Grant Jansen A new challenge for you… –9:30 AM…EVERYWHERE!!!
Thanksgiving 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 We have 240 children in the building that God has entrusted to us! We have a wonderful, supportive school and church community We have a dedicated faculty and staff committed to spreading the Gospel message of Jesus Christ
Challenges that we face The devil is constantly working against us, inside and out. (1 Peter 5:8) Economic issues leading to uncertainty and fear Constant competition Constant need for communication and clarification
Ministry Team Vestry Policy Manual; SPL Letter out to Congregation and School communities GREAT RESPONSE! Advisory team to the Principal to help accomplish the vision and mission of the school
Ministry Team Members Curriculum: –Sue Meyer, Heather Lyijynen, Nancy Kuehm David Hill, Discipline: –Curt Powers, Joann Moilanen Technology –Michael Spehn, Barry Kerska Journalism –Lisa Garr
World Class School Task Force Committee Chair-Carolyn Mammen Members: Konnie Behounek, Laura Robert, Lisa Hills, Julie Snead, Lori Lorant, Ann Marie Charnesky, Bob Jansen, Aaron Miller Charged to research and provide recommendations of a world-class school with global connections and how St. John Lutheran school can elevate to this standard.
Recommendations Strengthening Schools and Congregations (SSAC) visit Curriculum Coordinator position Partner with LHNW to accommodate advanced students’ needs Investigate ways to bring a global approach to education while maintaining a Christ-centered focus
WCSTF-Cont’d Additional recommendations in the following areas: –Academic Enrichment –Math –Science –Language Arts –Foreign Language –Technology –Extra-Curricular activities
Immediate response to WCSTF Increased AE offerings to 20; classes are offered by quarter and include web design, dissections, German, Drafting, Creation/Evolution, computer animation, etc… New Spanish program implemented in grades 1st-6th Future City program; Student Council
Next Level response SMART Board technology available for use by all students Portable science lab to increase “hands- on” science experiments Made possible by the AUCTION!
Additional Information Mr. Thom and Bill Gottschalk traveled to three thriving Lutheran schools to study models –Lutheran South Academy, Houston, TX (Preschool – 12) –Lincoln Lutheran, Lincoln, NE (6-12) –Faith Lutheran, Las Vegas, NV (6-12)
Additional Information Information gained on benchmarking trip –Tuition models –Academic Excellence –Facilities –Fundraising/Marketing –Professional contacts made
National Funding Academy Mr. Thom and Pastor Sawyer traveled to St. Paul Lutheran in Orange, CA for an LCMS sponsored conference on funding Sought to gain insight into current strategies used by schools to increase funding and build strategic plans
National Funding Academy 21 st Century Skills and 21 st Century Parents -Pastor Sawyer
National Funding Academy Applications for St. John? What are our empty seats costing us? How could tuition levels change if we filled them? What are we doing about it? –Admissions Counselor Position –Tracie Roush
Admission Counselor Position/Goals This position is being funded completely by the church Responsibilities include developing an admissions process, a marketing plan and developing relationships within the community A primary goal for this position is to achieve 0% attrition for next year’s enrollment A secondary goal would be to increase enrollment by 5% (12 students)
Endowment Campaign Proposed campaign to raise money for the purpose of reducing tuition across the board LCEF representative Jock Ficken came to give a presentation on the possibilities Pastor Galik to provide update
Remember the challenge! Will you commit to prayer? Please continue to be a positive light for the school in all you do and say!!! God’s peace and blessings to all!