Importance of Prayer Luke 18:1-8
Introduction Often neglected Not preached on enough Not practiced frequently enough Much confusion Who has the privilege of prayer? For what should we pray?
Introduction Objectives Learn what prayer is about Determine some assumptions about prayer Discuss what happens during prayer See the importance of prayer
What Is Prayer? General comments Twelve words used in connection with prayer in the New Testament Familiar English words are prayer, supplications, thanksgiving, and blessings
What Is Prayer? An act of faith Widow (Luke 18:1-8; James 1:5-7) Prerequisite of prayer (Hebrews 11:6) Working faith (James 2:24) Not a substitute for works (Matthew 7:21; Luke 6:46; Romans 12:11) Help, not just pray (Galatians 6:10)
What Is Prayer? More than thinking Communicating with God (Romans 10:1) Not talking to ourselves
Assumptions In Praying Some call it a crutch What crutch do they use when troubled? Eastern philosophies, meditation? Drugs, alcohol?
Assumptions In Praying Some basic assumptions God is real (Matthew 11:25; Luke 11:2) We need God (Jeremiah 10:23; John 15:5) God hears (Psalm 65:2; James 4:8; 1 Peter 3:12) God answers (John 11:42, 43; Hebrews 11:6) God loves us (Matthew 7:7-11; John 3:16; 1 Peter 5:7)
What Happens During Prayer? The Divine side Much we do not know They come up to His throne (Hebrews 4:14-16; Revelation 6:10; 8:3) Approach the Father through Jesus (John 14:13, 14; 1 Timothy 2:5)
What Happens During Prayer? The human side Reverence required Desire to use blessings properly (James 4:3) Forgive others (Mark 11:25, 26) Live righteously (James 5:16; 1 Peter 3:12) Ask according to His will (1 John 5:14)
Importance of Prayer Only way to talk to the Father Consider it a privilege (Hebrews 4:16) Do we neglect to talk to those we love?
Importance of Prayer Prayer changes things Hannah (1 Samuel 1:10, 27) Elijah (1 Kings 17:1; 18:1; James 5:16-18) Hezekiah (2 Kings 20:1-6)
Importance of Prayer Jesus Our example (1 Peter 2:21) Prayed often (Matthew 14:23; 26:36; Luke 5:16; 6:12) Taught His disciples to pray (Matthew 6:9-13)
Importance of Prayer Early Christians In tough times (Acts 4:24-29) Church for Peter (Acts 12:5-11) Paul (2 Corinthians 1:11; Philippians 1:19) Paul and Silas (Acts 16:25)
Conclusion Do you have the privilege of prayer? If so, do you pray?