2. Walk in Joy Isaiah 12:1-6; Romans 15:7-13 p. 642, 1049 Lessons in walking with God
VBS Last week – Vacation Bible School. God has the power to provide, comfort, heal, forgive, love us forever Simple truths. God intends that we walk in JOY. (Isa 12:3, Rom 15:13) Transcends & transforms our experience of daily life
1. Joy in Salvation Too often Salvation = ‘going to heaven when I die’ So narrow – no resemblance to what the Bible means. Themes: Joy, peace, hope are a big part of salvation. “He has become my salvation” (Isa 12:2) God, not just the source, He IS our salvation
1. Joy in Salvation... Tragedy of our time – wellbeing depends on us. Matching the media image of coolness, gorgeousness, & success. Isa 7-11 appeal: put aside fears & concerns – focus on God. Not using God as a means to an end
1. Joy in Salvation... Praise & thanksgiving focus our attention on all we have received. God, the judge, becomes source of support & care. There is no salvation apart from God. This is the essence of our experience of Joy. In Him we find security, self-worth, comfort & peace.
2. Joy through Detachment. St John Moschos – the story of the desert mystic. It looks different today, but the heart attitude is the same. We have abundance of encouragement to want things. Vancouver Sun: “A voice of those dying in silence” Middle aged women diagnosed with anorexia & bulemia.Middle aged women diagnosed with anorexia & bulemia.
Christie Brinkley in June 2015, aged 61, Visible image and promotion of the idea: “Aging isn’t acceptable”
3. Joy in Surrender How Paul describes the Christian life (Rom 14:17) Detachment is part of surrender & encounter. Allow the Holy Spirit to invade our lives. E.g. Paula’s new school. By surrendering to the will of God we found peace.By surrendering to the will of God we found peace.
Living it Prayer of St Augustine: Almighty God, in whom we live and move and have our being, you have made us for yourself, you have made us for yourself, so that our hearts are restless till they rest in you. Grant us purity of heart and strength of purpose, that no passion may hinder us from knowing your will, no weakness from doing it; but in your light may we see light clearly, and in your service find perfect freedom; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
We cannot improve on who God is or what He has said.