 Newborough C of E Primary School. 2014 School Data 2014 National Data 2012 School Data Level 2 90%86% Level 2b+ 80%70%59% Level 3 17%16%10%


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Presentation transcript:

 Newborough C of E Primary School

2014 School Data 2014 National Data 2012 School Data Level 2 90%86% Level 2b+ 80%70%59% Level 3 17%16%10%

2014 School Data 2014 National Data 2012 School Data Level 4+ 89%86%74% Level 5+ 30%33%16% Level 6 4%2%0%

2014 School Data 2014 National Data 2012 School Data Expected 100%93%72% Above Expected 30%33%6%

2014 School Data 2012 School Data Average Point Score

2014 School Data 2012 School Data Average Point Score

 New subject leader with dedicated release time was put in place  Raising the profile of writing  Regular and challenging moderation  Subject leader impact reports  YouTube Channel/Twitter Accounts/Website  Careful tracking of each group with data shared with teachers  Review of marking  Pupil Premium money being used effectively  Specific training for identified needs

 LO’s  Modelling writing  Success criteria  Marking  SPaG

Staff received ‘Andy Hawes’ training on the use of learning objectives to improve children’s learning. What makes a good LO? - Generic for the whole class - Meaningful manageable language - Focused on the learning

Defining the L.O

 L.O: To write our own version of Little Red riding Hood. Learning Objective: What are we learning?  “To retell a traditional tale in writing.” Context: What is the context or ‘vehicle’ for the learning?  “Little Red Riding Hood” Activity: What are we doing?  “Make a Zig-Zag book about Little Red Riding Hood to share with the Reception children” 2 minutes to look at LO handout.

Staff received ‘Andy Hawes’ training on the differences between modelling and shared composition – a powerful way to improve writing. What is modelling? - teacher only composed writing - providing running commentary and thought process - ruthless referring back to LO and what will make writing a success. What is shared composition? - drawing ideas from the children - A shared piece of work from either a group of children or the class which they can then use for their independent work. Making the change from shared composition to modelling: - immediate monitoring ensured that this remained a focus for all teachers - lesson observations throughout the school focus on modelling and continual referral back to LO 2 minutes to look at Smartboard modelling pack.

 Activity –modelled writing

I can use adjectives. I can use my five senses I can start sentences in different ways.

 When LO’s and success criteria are focused and clear, marking becomes powerful and meaningful.  Marking directly links to success criteria.  It reinforces learning.  It becomes a 2 way dialogue between adult and child.  It moves the learning on through next steps, feedback or a challenge.  Children respond to marking to demonstrate editing and what they now know.  It supports AFL and moderation.  Constantly developing: 2 stars and a wish, pink to think, green to go, visual, marking masterclass. Please spend a few minutes looking at marking pack.

Moving forward…  SPAG is our current focus.  Staff training- staff knowledge of definitions and being comfortable with asking and sharing ideas. SPAG dictionaries. The statutory curriculum coverage for all year groups making staff aware of their year group, also above and below.  Parents- website and SPAG evening presentation.  SPAG half termly assessment to monitor progress particularly in spelling. New spelling scheme.  Whole school SPAG bubbles-whole school visual success criteria.  Morning challenges- linked to areas of SPAG to develop.

 For example: tap