WHAT IS A PEST? Any species that competes with us for food, invades lawns and gardens, destroys woods in houses, spreads disease, invades ecosystems or is simply a nuisance.
WHAT ARE THE MAJOR TYPES OF PESTICIDES? INSECTICIDES: Chlorinated Hydrocarbons (DDT) Organophosphates (Malathion,diazinon) Carbamates (Aldicarb) Botanicals (Camphor) HERBICIDES Atrazine, Glyphosate (Roundup) FUNGICIDES Methyl bromide, carbon bisulfide
WHAT IS IPM? In agriculture, Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is a pest control strategy that uses an array of complementary methods: natural predators and parasites pest-resistant varieties cultural practices biological controls various physical techniques and pesticides as a last resort It is an ecological approach that can significantly reduce or eliminate the use of pesticides.
What are advantages and disadvantages of modern synthetic pesticides? Advantages Save lives Increase food supplies Increase profits for farmers Work fast Safe if used properly Disadvantages Can wipe out natural enemies of pest Can wind up in our air, water or food Can cause resistant strains (superbugs) Some can threaten human health
What are the characteristics of an ideal pesticide? Affect only the target organism Not cause genetic resistance in target organism Disappear and break down into harmless chemicals Be more cost effective than doing nothing
How are pesticides regulated in US? FIFRA (Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act) was established in 1947 amended in 1972 EPA requires pesticide companies to evaluate biological activity in their products for toxicity to animals EPA set tolerance levels for pesticides used on fruits and vegetables 1996 Food Quality Protection Act (FQPA) increased public protection from pesticides