R equest for Proposal and Low Bid Overview R equest for Proposal and Low Bid Overview Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Department of General Services 2009
Project Phases Design Procurement/Bidding Construction
Procurement Overview 2 primary procurement methods Normal approach Lowest Responsible Bidder Awarded the Contract Exception to the rule of Low Bid Contractors compete based upon cost, technical qualifications and DB participation Committee scores cost, technical, and DB
Determination - Meeting When design is almost complete, the Deputy Secretary and RFP Coordinator are notified of the need for a determination. Coordinator sets up a determination meeting to discuss the project with: –Deputy Secretary; and –Head of Using Agency or designee; and –E/A and BOC; and –the Professional; and –Legal
Determination - Decision Deputy Secretary makes a written determination as to what procurement method will be used. –Determination is posted to DGS website.
Evaluation Committee If the decision is made to proceed as a RFP project, the Deputy Secretary appoints the 5 voting members of the Evaluation Committee: Representative from Bureau of E/A Representative from Bureau of Construction Representative from Using Agency 2 Appointees by Dep. Sec. with specific project expertise or knowledge Identity of Committee members not revealed in order to ensure scoring without outside influence.
Evaluation Committee Meeting Discuss/modify RFP and appendix documents to reflect specific facts of the project Base Bids on Cost Submission form Scope of work/past experience to be discussed by the proposer, including critical work/critical subs and critical suppliers Schedule requirements of Using Agency Calendar of Events established Confidentiality Statements signed
Bid Phase - Pre-Proposal Meeting RFP Coordinator chairs the meeting. Professional discusses project. Coord/Legal discuss proposal requirements and proposal process. Questions taken from proposers. Walk-thru of site/project by Prof. and Using Agency. Answers not binding until in bulletin.
Bid Phase – Proposal Contents No mandated appearance –Can be stapled, clipped or in a binder –Sections can be separated by paper, tabs or other means Before submitting the proposal, use the Mandatory Requirements Checklist (attached as an exhibit to the RFP) to make sure the proposal doesnt get rejected.
Bid Phase – Proposal Contents Format explained in detail in the RFP Contract # and discipline (.1/.2/.3/.4) on each part Proposal delivered in one box with 3 separate and distinct parts 1 Cost Firm Name 1 DBE Firm Name Technical Firm name Technical Firm name Technical Firm name Technical Firm name Technical Firm name 6 Technical Firm name
Bid Phase: Technical Submission Cover Section 1 Section 3 Section 2 Section 4 Cover Letter and 4 Sections Cover Letter and 4 Sections
Bid Phase – Technical submission Section 1 Section 3 Section 2 Section 4 Cover Provides, at a minimum: Company Name Company Address Contact person Phone, Fax,
Bid Phase –Technical submission Cover Section 3 Section 2 Section 4 Section 1 Project Team Qualification/Experience T-1A Intro to Project Team – who and what T-1B Prime Contractor –Qualifications Statement with attachments with the proposal Submitted with the proposal T-1C Sub/Supplier Utilization – Utilization Form with the proposal Submitted with the proposal – Qualification Statements May not be $$ With proposal or by COB 2 days after submission date
Bid Phase: Technical Submission Cover Section 3 Section 2 Section 4 Section 1 Project Management Plan T-2A Project Management Team Who – identify individuals What – roles and responsibilities T-2B Work Plan and Schedule Work Plan – understanding of the project and address critical issues Schedule – understanding and ability to work on CPM project T-2C Safety Plan – copy or description T-2D QA/QC Plan – implements/follows
Bid Phase – Technical submission Cover Section 1 Section 4 Section 2 Section 3 Staffing Plan T-3A Resources approx. # of workers and hiring procedures T-3B Training training program T-3C Safety Training Program
Bid Phase – Technical submission Cover Section 1 Section 2 Section 4 Section 3 Supporting Documentation T-4A Non-Collusion Affidavit Appendix D Must be Signed
Bid Phase – Cost submission 1 copy Cost Form Proposal Bond 2 Mandatory Requirements If not properly submitted, the proposal will be rejected.
Cost Submission – Cost Form Proposal Bond Cost Form Cost Submission Form must be signed in the proper place by person authorized to bind the company
Bid Phase –Cost submission Proposal Bond Cost Form Proposal Bond Must be in an amount equal to or greater than 10% of the highest Base Bid.
Bid Phase – DBE Submission – 1 copy List DGS-certified: MBE subs with $ commitment WBE subs with $ commitment MBE suppliers w/$ commitment WBE suppliers w/$ commitment Total $ commitments Proof of DGS certification If commitments dont meet or exceed MPLs for contract, an explanation of efforts to obtain commitments. Summary of firms past performance
Bid Phase - Submission Submission Date –Usually a 2:00 in Harrisburg –Rep. From Legal, Bidding & Comptrollers Office: All 3 have to sign Confidentiality Statements and No-Conflict of Interest Statements Review Technical Submissions for responsiveness –Mandatory checklist Review Cost Submissions for budget constraints DB Submission sent to BMWBO for review
Bid Phase – Scoring Mtg. Evaluation Committee reconvenes –Voting members, Legal and Comptroller attend –Voting members reveal scores by discipline. –BV Coordinator calculates Overall Technical Score for each proposal. –After Technical scores are final, Coord opens DB scores, calculates them in front of entire Committee and adds them to proposal score –After Technical scores are final, Coord opens Cost scores, calculates them, in front of entire Committee and adds to proposal score.
Bid Phase – Award BV Coordinator, in front of the entire Evaluation Committee, calculates total proposal score based upon the formula published in the RFP $775,000 $750,000 $763,000
Bid Phase –Award Coordinator drafts memo to Dep. Sec. setting forth recommendations for award Dep. Secretary reviews to ensure compliance with the RFP. Award letters issued in same manner as low bid. Coord posts successful proposal information on DGS website. Coordinator/Legal conduct debrief if requested.
Construction Phase There is no difference in the Construction Phase of the Project.
Notice to Bidders Bid Proposal Instructions to Bidders Plans and Specifications Low Bid Procurement
Project name and location Professional –Plans and Specs –Deposit Brief Description Proposed project duration MBE / WBE MPLs Opening Date and Time Pre-Bid Conference –When and Where Notice to Bidders
Proposers name and contact info Base Bid(s) –If discrepancy b/w words & numbers, words are the bid price List Bulletins received Bid Proposal Submission
MBE / WBE FORM (Form 16) –Must be signed Bidder Organizational Information –If Corporation Certificate of Authority to do business in PA –If not a Corporation and trading under a fictitious name Registered under the Fictitious Name Act Bid Proposal Submission
Bid Proposal Certification / Bid Signature Page –Bidders name and date –Must be original hand- scripted signature
Bid Guaranty 10% of highest base bid –Certified check –Bank cashiers check –DGS Bid Bond (provided) Low Bid
Surety approved to do business in PA –Department of Insurance Signed w/ original hand scripted signature DGS Bid Bond
Included with Bid Bond Power of Attorney from Surety –Ensure the Agent that signed Bid Bond has authority to bind Surety –POA must bear the same date as on the Bid Bond DGS Bid Bond
Responsiveness –Name and address –Base Bids (words / numbers) –MBE/WBE Form is signed –Certification/Bid page is signed –Bid Guaranty DGS Bid Bond correct Power of Attorney Low Bid
Low Bid –Award Director of BPSAS drafts memo to Dep. Sec. setting forth recommendations for award to Responsive and Responsible Low Bidder. Dep. Secretary reviews to ensure compliance with procurement procedures. Award letters issued. Proceed to the Construction Phase.
Mr. Oslwen Anderson Construction Liaison Bureau of Minority & Women Business Opportunities Ph: Cell: Cell How to Effectively Respond to a Commonwealth Solicitation
DGS Anti – Discrimination Program CONTACTOR RESPONSIVENESS Form GSMWBE (A) Certification & 16 (B) Record of Solicitations and Commitments Bidder has 3 ways to respond to MPLs
DGS Anti – Discrimination Program BIDDER MINIMUM SOLICITATION REQUIREMENTS 5/5 Work Area Timely Resolve all solicited and unsolicited quotations Satisfactory explanation of non-commitments
DGS Anti – Discrimination Program CONTRACTOR RESPONSIBILITY Business Persons Race/Gender Discriminatory Policies Fair Treatment