Systems Review: Schoolwide Reading Support Cohort 5: Elementary Schools Winter, 2009
Schoolwide Reading: Where have we been? Day 1: –DIBELS administration and scoring Day 2: –DIBELS Foundations and Report interpretation –Maximizing classroom instruction Day 3: –Core program analysis –Schoolwide reading program evaluation (PET)
Reading systems review Components on our checklist: 1.DIBELS data system 2.Maximizing classroom instruction 3.Core program analysis – targeted skill review 4.Planning and evaluation tool (PET-R)
DIBELS Data system MiBLSi assignment from Day 2: –Assess first grade students (or a single grade) using DIBELS measures Be ready to assess all students by Spring 2009 –Assessment team (training, integrity checks) –Logistics (schedule, materials, data entry) –Using the data
DIBELS Data Collection Goal: To collect valid and reliable benchmark data as efficiently and economically as possible, with minimal disruption How is this working for you? DIBELS Training Institute, Essential Workshop: Logistics, 2006.
Are you efficient? Measure Approximate time per student Initial Sound Fluency (ISF)3 minutes Letter Naming Fluency (LNF)1.5 minutes Phoneme Segmentation Fluency (PSF) 1.5 minutes Nonsense Word Fluency (NWF)2 minutes Oral Reading Fluency (ORF) 3 passages 4 minutes DIBELS Training Institute, Essential Workshop: Logistics, 2006.
Are you minimally disruptive? Data collection methods –Teacher –Assessment teams Schedule posted in advance One person coordinating flow of students and managing assessment team needs
Are you collecting reliable data? Has your DIBELS assessment team (or classroom teachers) been trained? Are you running fidelity checks as a team before you take the students?
DIBELS Assessment Team Fidelity check DIBELS data needs to be accurate! Check: –Standardized directions –Timing (e.g. 1 minute) –Prompting rules –Scoring rules –Correct student score entered Validate with classroom teacher
DIBELS Fidelity Check Tool Before every benchmark assessment, run an integrity check with your staff or assessment team Briefly review scoring rules and prompts Have someone be the student and run through scripts Have blank materials available to score Discuss your scoring together Periodically, have checks on scorers
Review the status of your DIBELS assessment team. 1.Are you efficient? 2.Are you minimally disruptive? 3.Are you collecting reliable data and how do you know? Team Time Please take a moment to complete the appropriate section of the Follow-Up Activity Worksheet to document the work yet to be done Please take a moment to complete the appropriate section of the Follow-Up Activity Worksheet to document the work yet to be done
DIBELS Data entry Who is entering DIBELS data into website? Does someone verify the accuracy of those entries?
Sharing DIBELS data with staff On Day 2, we trained MiBLSi leadership teams on the Foundations (research) behind the DIBELS measures How has that information been delivered to the whole staff?
Sharing DIBELS data with staff Does your staff have ownership of the data? People doing the teaching need to be involved in collecting the DIBELS measures, at some level –Part of assessment team –Collecting progress monitoring data
Sharing DIBELS data with staff Which DIBELS reports are given to your staff? –Building level (Histograms, Box Plots) –Grade level (Histograms, Class list reports) –Individual student (Class list report) How is your staff acting on the data?
1.What is the status of your building’s DIBELS data entry (one person for data entry, one person for oversight)? 2.What is the status of sharing your DIBELS data with your staff? Team Time Please take a moment to complete the appropriate section of the Follow-Up Activity Worksheet to document the work yet to be done Please take a moment to complete the appropriate section of the Follow-Up Activity Worksheet to document the work yet to be done
Reading systems review Components on our checklist: 1.DIBELS data system 2.Maximizing classroom instruction 3.Core program analysis – targeted skill review 4.Planning and evaluation tool (PET-R)
Maximizing classroom instruction Review of training content from Day 2: Characteristics of diverse learners Time (allocated, actual, engaged, opportunities to respond and receive feedback) Systematic and explicit instruction
Maximizing classroom instruction Is your staff maximizing classroom instruction by using the following techniques? –Modeling –Using explicit language –Providing multiple opportunities to respond and practice –Cumulative review
Ideas for professional development on maximizing classroom instruction Specialist models lesson in classroom Model and practice skills during grade level meetings Peer to peer practice and observation Principal walk-through
Time Do you have a protected 90 minute block? Has your staff had an opportunity to identify the level or amount of student opportunities to respond (active engagement) within that block?
Considering what we know about maximizing classroom instruction (e.g. explicit instruction, protected time and active engagement): Have you shared this information with the rest of your staff?Have you shared this information with the rest of your staff? What are your next steps?What are your next steps? Please take a moment to complete the appropriate section of the Follow-Up Activity Worksheet to document the work yet to be done Please take a moment to complete the appropriate section of the Follow-Up Activity Worksheet to document the work yet to be done Team Time
Reading systems review Components on our checklist: 1.DIBELS data system 2.Maximizing classroom instruction 3.Core program analysis – targeted skill review 4.Planning and evaluation tool (PET-R)
Core program analysis Two basic questions: Are we teaching the right things at the right time? Are we teaching the right things well such that all students are learning? How do we answer those questions?
Looking at the data Always start with your data. –What does it say about your core instruction? in terms of percent of students in the low risk and established categories (80% or above) in terms of sustaining appropriate growth? (95%) –If you are meeting the above criteria and other data substantiates your findings, there is very little need to do a comprehensive analysis of your core. –If not,...reexamine your core!
Use standards such as curriculum maps
Review core program Targeted skill review steps included: Identify instructional priorities based on curriculum maps Look for them within the core program Evaluate instructional delivery (is it explicit?) Evaluate sequence of skills (is it systematic?) Identify instructional enhancements
In Day 3, we asked you to practice conducting a targeted skill review with first grade. Then you were to discuss the findings with the first grade staff before engaging other grade levels in the process. Was this activity completed? What are your next steps? Please take a moment to complete the appropriate section of the Follow-Up Activity Worksheet to document the work yet to be done Please take a moment to complete the appropriate section of the Follow-Up Activity Worksheet to document the work yet to be done Team Time
Reading systems review Components on our checklist: 1.DIBELS data system 2.Maximizing classroom instruction 3.Core program analysis – targeted skill review 4.Planning and evaluation tool (PET-R)
Planning & Evaluation Tool (Simmons & Kame’enui, 2003) The Planning and Evaluation Tool- Revised (PET-R) is designed to help schools “take stock” of their strengths and areas of improvement in developing a schoolwide beginning reading plan. The items and criteria in the PET- R represent the “ideal” conditions and total to 100 points. Score reflects how you are currently doing as a school in your instructional practices. This tool is designed to assist in your planning and implementation.
Overview of the PET-R Evaluation Sections reflect critical components of a Schoolwide Model: I.Goals, Objectives, Priorities II.Assessment III.Instructional Program and Materials IV.Instructional Time V.Differentiated Instruction/Grouping/Scheduling VI.Administration/Organization/Communication VII.Professional Development
In Day 3, your assignment was to have the entire staff complete the portion of the PET-R that your team identified as a priority for action. 1.Was this completed? 2.What are your next steps? Please take a moment to complete the appropriate section of the Follow-Up Activity Worksheet to document the work yet to be done Please take a moment to complete the appropriate section of the Follow-Up Activity Worksheet to document the work yet to be done Team Time
Reading systems review Components on our checklist: 1.DIBELS data system 2.Maximizing classroom instruction 3.Core program analysis – targeted skill review 4.Planning and evaluation tool (PET-R)
International Cafe Take a few minutes to review your Follow-up activity sheet from todayTake a few minutes to review your Follow-up activity sheet from today Write on a blank sheet of paper,Write on a blank sheet of paper, –Identify accomplishments that you want to celebrate with your staff –Identify two critical next steps for your school that should be your immediate priority Gallery walkGallery walk Team Time
Assignment Have DIBELS data assessments completed and entered before your next Data Review day.