Learning Goals:
How are the people going to school How are the people going to school? Label the picture using the words from the box. Listen and check.
How are the people going to school How are the people going to school? Label the picture using the words from the box. Listen and check. by bus by train by car on foot by bike
Script 1. They’re coming to school by train. 2. They’re coming to school by bus. 3. He’s coming to school by car. 4. They’re coming to school on foot. 5. She’s coming to school by bike.
B Complete these sentences with your own information. Tell your partner. I usually go to school ____________. I usually go to ______________ house _______________. I usually go to ___________ __________.
Listen to four conversations. Circle the correct picture for each one.
Listen to four conversations. Circle the correct picture for each one.
Listen again. How long does each speaker’s journey take? a 1 hour b 2 hours a 5 minutes b 50 minutes a 4 or 5 minutes b 45 minutes a 15 minutes b 50 minutes
Listen again. How long does each speaker’s journey take? a 1 hour b 2 hours a 5 minutes b 50 minutes a 4 or 5 minutes b 45 minutes a 15 minutes b 50 minutes
Script It takes me about an hour to get to school. It’s a very long walk, and boy, do my feet get tired. 2. I come to school by car almost every day. My mom drops me off on her way to work. I guess I’m lucky. I’m there in only five minutes. 3. I take the bus in the mornings to get here. If traffic’s bad, it sometimes takes about 45 minutes to make it here. I ride my bike almost everywhere, even to school. I can get to school in only 15 minutes, thanks to my bicycle.
Five speakers are talking about going to school Five speakers are talking about going to school. Listen and number the illustrations 1–5.
Five speakers are talking about going to school Five speakers are talking about going to school. Listen and number the illustrations 1–5. 2 5 4 1 3
Listen again. Which adverbs do the speakers use? Check (✔) the boxes.
Listen again. Which adverbs do the speakers use? Check (✔) the boxes.
Script (M = Man; G = Girl) 1. M: Is it true you ride the train for two hours to get to school? G: Yeah, almost always. I can’t get there by bus. 2. M: How do you go to school in the mornings? G: I usually walk, even in the rain.
Script (B = Boy; G = Girl) 3. G: When you go to school, how do you get there? B: Sometimes I ride my bicycle, if the weather’snot too bad. 4. B: How do you go home after school? G: I often take the bus. It stops two blocks from my house. 5. G: Do you usually go to school by car? B: Almost never. My father drives me to school only when I’m late.
studying hanging out with friends Watching movies shopping riding a bike Answers will vary,
Script a. She’s studying. b. They’re hanging out with friends. c. They’re watching movies. d. She’s shopping. e. She’s riding a bike.
Three people are applying for a job at a video rental store Three people are applying for a job at a video rental store. What does each person like to do? Listen to the three interviews and choose the correct pictures.
Three people are applying for a job at a video rental store Three people are applying for a job at a video rental store. What does each person like to do? Listen to the three interviews and choose the correct pictures.
Listen again. Which person got the job? a. Megumi b. Kirk c. Yoon-Hee
Listen again. Which person got the job? a. Megumi b. Kirk c. Yoon-Hee
Listen again. What phrases does the interviewer use?
Listen again. What phrases does the interviewer use?
Script (B = Boss; M = Megumi) 1. B: If you’re going to work here, I’d like to know about you, for our files. M: Yeah, sure. B: What do you usually do with your friends, you know, before you come to work? M: Well, I don’t have a lot of time after school, before I come to work. We sometimes hang around talking together. Then I come to work. B: Uh-huh. I see.
Script (B = Boss; K = Kirk) 2. B: Please tell me about yourself, like, what you do when you have some spare time? K: OK. I like riding bikes with my friends on the weekend. We go all the way down to the river and ride along the bicycle trails. They have some cool trails, with hills for . . . B: Alright, that’s enough.
Script (B = Boss; YH = Yoon-Hee) 3. B: Why don’t you tell me about your interests, you know, what you like to do. YH: Most of my friends like shopping, but not me. I like watching movies a lot. B: Yeah? YH: Oh, yeah. Drama, love stories, comedies, sometimes action movies . . . B: Got it. You’re hired. YH: I have the job? B: That’s right. You’ll start tomorrow. YH: Great!
Listen to the sentences and underline the stressed words.