WHAT IS A WAVE? Wave: Transference of energy P Wave (longitudinal): A primary wave vibrates parallel to direction of movement S Wave (transverse): A secondary wave vibrates perpendicular to the direction it advances L Wave: When S and P waves reach surface and cause horizontal movement of earth
WHAT CAUSES EARTHQUAKES? Movement of plates cause stress and tension to build up Focus: Location inside earth where earthquake originates also called hypocenter Epicenter: Point on earth’s surface directly above focus Shadow zone: Area on earth where there are no waves, caused by the inner core
HOW DO WE DETERMINE THE LOCATION OF THE EPICENTER? Seismograph: Instrument that measures earthquakes Need three seismograph readings to determine the location
HOW DO WE MEASURE EARTHQUAKES? Richter Scale: Measures magnitude or power of earthquake
Mercalli Scale: Measures Intensity
What are the major types of faults? Normal Fault: divergent boundary, caused by tension Thrust (reverse) Fault: convergent boundary, caused by compression Strike-Slip Fault: Transform boundary, caused by shear
What factors play a role in the amount of damage caused by an earthquake? Magnitude Location of the epicenter Man made structures
What are some safety tips for home/school? Secure large standing cabinets Place safety locks on kitchen cabinets Secure gas pipes Have a main shut off for gas/electric Do not place loose items high on shelves