Implementation on the Campuses Lanny Arvan Director – Center for Educational Technologies, UIUC
Goals For Tonight Make your group part of the people network at your campus Raise issues about implementation and support The issues are generic The solutions are local
Procedure for this evening First hour or so - Open ended “bull session” Get to know each other Get lots of ideas on the table Second hour or so Discuss implementation A group member to take minutes???
Focus Group on Thursday Eve If your campus hasn’t done so already, select a representative for focus group Focus group will be interviewed over dinner by Cheryl Bullock, who is doing FSI evaluation. Private Dining Room (Colonial Room) Illini Union 5:30
Intellectual Property Is there a Campus or System Policy? Should there be a Statewide Policy? Who should represent your campus in the discussion? Carol – want to say something here?
Using Web Resources Doing it all yourself is fine, but……. Your time is scarce. There are potentially useful resources on the Web. Learning from others online is what you want your students to be doing. Why not exemplify that?
Public Resources Example – Smithsonian Web site Computer History Web Interviews
Newspapers Online (Free) New York Times Chicago Tribune Washington Post San Jose Mercury News
Individual Courses Online Go to a campus Web site Follow links to courses in your discipline Example U. Maryland (Gov’t Project: ICONS)
Publishers Starting with “A” Addison Wesley Longman: Allyn and Bacon: Archipelago:
Publisher Lists and-Edu-Publishers.html
Resources University of Maryland Res/TeachTech/.TeachTech/itech.html Taxonomy of resources /epss_p600/tax.htm /epss_p600/tax.htm
Online Periodicals Educause: ALN: Chronicle: AAUP:
Obstacles Where does your campus need to improve? Servers? Training? Network Access? Drop-in Help? Recognition? Can’t do it all…immediately
Reality Check Adopting technology in instruction is not a “get rich quick” scheme for you. Academic budgets for technology in instruction lag behind demand growth.
Your Mission What can work on your campus? How do you make it work? Mobilize for action. Get together with Previous attendees Others interested in Ed Tech
Dining Room Assignments This Room NEIU, SIUC, NIU, WIU, UIUC, UIC Across the hall GSU, SIUE, EIU, UIS, CSU, ISU