Take out book for SSR
I’m your brain. I’m here to help. I’ll be offering you some ideas on how to use me more efficiently.
Studying Before the Test Some problems with studying at the last minute: 1) You’ll forget the information later (like when you need it for your final exam). 2) You won’t have enough time to get more help. 3) You’ll be more nervous when you take the test. 4) In some subjects (Math, Science) you cannot do well by cramming. Brain Tip #1: It’s better to study for 10 minutes a day for three days, than to study 30 minutes right before you take the test.
Three ways to use your Cornell notes: Cover up the right side (notes) and quiz yourself by asking the questions on the left. Based on your notes, write more questions that you think your teacher might ask. Explain your notes to another person using your own words. Studying Before the Test Brain Tip #2: Cornell notes are your study buddy.
How to Relax Before the Test: 1) The more prepared you are, the more relaxed you’ll be. 2) Get a good night’s sleep. 3) Eat a healthy breakfast and drink plenty of water. 4) Get there on time! Brain Tip #3: Your brain recalls information best when it is relaxed.
1) Take a deep breathe. 2) Read the directions slowly and carefully. 3) Read the directions again! 4) Survey the test to see what to expect. When the Test Begins:
During the Test Brain Tip #4: Sometimes, the answer is in your brain… you just can’t find it! 1)Try a Brain Dump – find a blank part of the test and write down as much information about the topic as you can remember. 2) Answer the easiest questions first – sometime working on these questions will help you figure out harder ones. 3) Do not stay on one question for too long. 4) Answer every question – even if you have to guess.
During the Test (continued) 5) In Math and Science, always show your work - even if the teacher doesn’t require it. 6) If you are not sure of an answer, stick with your first guess. 7) Take as much time as you have – it’s not a race! 8) Review your answers.
After the Test 1) Review your answers. 2) Don’t just figure out what you got wrong, try to figure out why you got it wrong. 3) Ask another student or your teacher to explain the answers. Brain Tip #5: You must train your brain to learn from your mistakes.
Summary/Reflection Write a summary of today’s notes and reflection on two things that you learned or found interesting. (minimum 3 sentences) Write a summary of today’s notes and reflection on two things that you learned or found interesting. (minimum 3 sentences)
6 Decisions Activity 6 Decisions Activity –Turn in once completed
From/Going Type Where I’m Going First Type Where I’m Going First Make sure it fits in your frame Make sure it fits in your frame –Font Size: 9 or 10 –Divide up long sentences – to me as attachment Change File type to PDF