Acing Assessments Performing your best on tests and quizzes comes down to preparation.
Acing Assessments The more that you prepare as you go, the less you will have to do at the last minute. Preparing ahead of time allows you to spend those last couple of days addressing your specific weaknesses.
Quizzes Every day after you have completed your assignment, go back and choose 1 – 2 problems that you think best represent that day’s lesson. Transcribe those problems onto a separate page. BE SURE TO INCLUDE INSTRUCTIONS!
Quizzes Be sure to include questions from the assignment that is due on the day of the quiz. You should now have a practice quiz consisting of 5 – 7 problems that represent all of the material on the quiz.
Quizzes On the day before the quiz, sit down and take the quiz as you would take a quiz in class. Time yourself for about 15 minutes. Only use a calculator if its use would be allowed on the quiz.
Quizzes Grade your practice quiz (you should already have all answers) and identify your strengths and weaknesses. Review any concepts that you missed on your practice quiz, working additional problems as necessary.
Tests With only one test per six weeks, there is a significant amount of material to review in a short period of time. Consequently, the more preparation that you can do ahead of time, the more productively you can spend those last 2 days before the test.
Tests Rather than spending those last couple of days making a study sheet, wouldn’t it be nice to have your study sheet finished so that you can concentrate on working problems?
Tests To accomplish this, you can make your study sheet as you progress through the grading period rather than leaving it until the last day or two.
Tests After each day’s lesson, before you begin your assignment, take 3 – 5 minutes to condense that day’s notes into a couple of key bullet points. Include any necessary formulas and definitions.
Tests When review day arrives, you should have a couple of pages that summarize everything you have learned since the last test. You can now begin preparing for the test by reading through your study sheet. This shouldn’t take more than a few minutes.
Tests On review day in class, you might want to compare your study sheet with your partner’s and see if there are any gaps to fill. Having reviewed the entire grading period in just a few minutes, you can now concentrate on working problems.
Tests Be sure that you work and check every single practice problem provided to you. Analyze any mistakes that you made and work additional problems as necessary to address any weaknesses. As additional resources, you still have your quizzes and your practice quizzes.
Summary Preparing for assessments isn’t any different that preparing for a performance in music, theater, sports, or any other domain. You wouldn’t wait until the day before that performance to begin practicing and conditioning, would you?
Summary Doing your best on assessments begins with making a commitment to dedicate a few extra minutes each day towards preparing. Revisiting the material more frequently reinforces the content and frees up time on those crucial last days before the assessment.
Summary Your understanding of the material will be deeper, and you can spend more finding and addressing your particular needs.