Creating Your Lesson/Activity Save template from C&I webpage to your computer Template was created as a form so that formatting would remain consistent for posting Type in the far left of the box to be able to type in the text field For supplemental documents that accompany the lesson, copy and paste them as additional pages to the lesson plan file
To “unlock” the template for revisions or adding additional pages… MS Word 2003: View Toolbars Forms Click the Revise as needed Click the Save MS Word 2010: “Review” tab Restrict Editing (far right) Stop Protection Revise as needed allow only this type of editing… In drop down, select “filling in forms” Yes, start enforcing protection & click “ok” when the password box comes up Save
Posting Your Lesson/Activity Name lesson and save: content_standard_lesson title (ex. ELA_5.RI.1_synthesisstrategy) to: Thanks in advance for following the process! No clean up of lessons = quick posting for your access!