What a goal packet consist of
A goal packet is a list of goals a council sets for themselves It is something that states what the goals for last month were and if they were accomplished or not Also it is used as a way to indicate to the state board what is going on in the schools throughout the year!
A goal packet has five parts to it A Goal sheet A retrospect Agenda Minutes Schedule Also know and “STARS” Set goals Take minutes Agenda Retrospect Scheduling
EXAMPLE For the month of: Nov School: Sandy School Division: Awesome division Signature of President: X _Chris Castagnetti__ Signature of Advisor: X_Sandy Ginger_________ Goal #1: Raise school spirit Target Date: Activities used to reach goal: Our High School will be having a student section bonanza, where every kid in our student section at the football game will get powder and a pom-pom where we can all cheer on our team! A goal sheet is suppose to have 2-3 goals for a month. What do you want to have accomplished this month as a student council? And how will you achieve this goal? REMBER that an event is NOT a goal NEVADA ASSOCIATION OF STUDENT COUNCILS GOAL SHEET
For the month of: Nov School: Sandy School Division: Awesome division Signature of President: X _Chris Castagnetti__ Signature of Advisor: X_Sandy Ginger_________ GOAL #1: To raise school spirit Evaluate its success: This goal went really well. We had about 200 kids show up in the student section and we all had powder and pom-poms and we all cheered really loud and it was a really good time for everyone! How did you do last month? (It is OK if things did not go as planned!) This is also where you put your charitable contributions, how much money did you raise for a charity? Also you put your sister school contact here! What did you do/send with each other? NEVADA ASSOCIATION OF STUDENT COUNCILS Last Month’s Retrospect
Every month a student council must have a council meeting where they talk about what has happened over the month, i.e who is doing what. This is where the agenda and minutes come in The agenda is simply what you plan on going over during the meeting. This agenda must be a whole student council, not an executive, or chair meeting.
The minutes are a written recording of what happened in the meeting. These minutes must be from the same month as the agenda.
The calendar needs to be student council related activities. It isn’t a school wide calendar.
A goal packet goes to the silver and blue star award It starts in September and goes all the way till the State conference! You may only miss one goal packet when going for the silver star, and two for the blue star!