T EST C OORDINATOR T RAINING Big Picture Objectives Understand the roles and responsibilities of district and school test coordinators Understand resources available to effectively train test administrators Understand how to use the Test Administration Manual to understand requirements and ensure secure test administration and valid test results Learn about additional resources and tools
T EST C OORDINATOR T RAINING Training Overview Training will cover the following topics: Test Coordinator Roles & Responsibilities Test Administrator Training Accessibility Supports Test Security Smarter Balanced Administration OAKS Online Science and Social Sciences Administration ELPA21 Administration Primary source: Test Administration Manual
T EST C OORDINATOR T RAINING Organized into short modules Designed to be delivered to district and school staff Focus on orienting test coordinators to the Test Administration Manual Training Format
T EST C OORDINATOR T RAINING OAKS System Components Test Information Distribution Engine (TIDE) Student demographic information collected Student test settings entered Test Delivery System (TDS): TA Interface Test sessions created Students approved to test _______________ Test Delivery System (TDS): Student Interface Students log into tests Students take tests Online Reporting System (ORS) Test results reported Item Tracking System (ITS) Test questions created reviewed, and edited Questions assembled into tests
T EST C OORDINATOR T RAINING Test administration and security training Coordinate access to OAKS System and testing data Coordinate testing logistics Coordinate student testing options Investigate and report any test improprieties to ODE District Test Coordinator (DTC)’s Role TAM, Section 1.4: User Roles
T EST C OORDINATOR T RAINING Ensure all TAs in your school are trained Ensure that all students in your school participate in required assessments Coordinate testing logistics and school- imposed test windows for your school Coordinate student testing options for students in your school Support DTCs in investigating test improprieties School Test Coordinator (STC)’s Role TAM, Section 1.4: User Roles
T EST C OORDINATOR T RAINING Ensure that all STCs and TAs: Receive annual training Read and understand the Test Administration Manual Sign assurance of test security form Disseminate ODE-issued testing updates and alerts to staff involved in state testing Respond to questions from staff using Regional Assessment support partners when necessary Ensuring All Staff Are Trained TAM, Section 1.5: Training Requirements
T EST C OORDINATOR T RAINING Module 2: TA Training Module 3: Accessibility Supports Module 4: Test Security Module 5: Smarter Balanced Module 6: OAKS Online Science and Social Sciences Module 7: ELPA21 Test Administrator (TA) Training: Reminder of Requirements TAM, Section 1.5: Training Requirements Required for all TAs Required for TAs based on the test(s) they will administer
T EST C OORDINATOR T RAINING In addition to Test Administration and Security Training, ensure that: All Braille Interface TAs in your building receive additional ODE-provided training specific to configuring the Braille Interface All Extended Assessment TAs in your building receive additional ODE-provided Qualified Trainer or Qualified Assessor training All Kindergarten Assessment TAs in your building receive separate Kindergarten Assessment Training using ODE-provided modules. TA Training (cont’d) : Reminder of Requirements TAM, Section 1.5: Training Requirements
T EST C OORDINATOR T RAINING Creating District and School Level User Accounts in TIDE One “DTC” allowed per district, with multiple “District Level User” roles permitted DTC creates district- and school-level accounts: District Level Users District Report Viewers School Test Coordinators School Report Viewers Test Administrators Test Technicians TIDE User Guide
T EST C OORDINATOR T RAINING Student Test Options: Scenarios and Resources Assigning embedded designated supports and accommodations in TIDE Targeting students up to a higher grade level Allowed for Smarter Balanced Math & ELA and OAKS Online Science & Social Sciences Not allowed for KA, Extended, or ELPA21 OAM, Appendix A; TAM, Appendix B: Student Inclusion; TIDE User Guide
T EST C OORDINATOR T RAINING Student Test Options: Scenarios and Resources (Cont’d) Managing test formats and restricting access (Example: Extended vs. Online testing) Managing retests OAKS Online Science & Social Sciences Grade 12 Smarter Balanced retest opportunity Managing parent-requested exemptions Smarter Balanced uses new HB 2655 opt-out process Exemptions for all other assessments must be based on disability or religion TAM, Section 5.3 Parent Requests for Exemption; TAM, Appendix B: Student Inclusion; TIDE User Guide
T EST C OORDINATOR T RAINING Essential Skills and Local Performance Assessment Manual posted on the Essential Skills homepage October 5 th. Required reading for DTCs, STCs, and TAs; recommended resource for educators. Note: Grade 12 opportunity on Smarter Balanced Assessment available for Essential Skills and Local Performance Assessment Manual: Reminder of Requirements
T EST C OORDINATOR T RAINING Smarter Balanced Grades 3 – 82/9 – 6/10 High School2/9 – 6/10 OAKS Online Science and Social Sciences 1/5 – 6/10 ELPA212/2 – 4/12 Extended Assessment 2/18 – 4/28 Kindergarten Assessment8/10 – 10/22 PSAT/NMSQT 10/14 or 10/28 NAEP1/25 – 3/4 Statewide Test Schedule TAM, Appendix A: Statewide Test Schedule
T EST C OORDINATOR T RAINING Designed to ensure that testing occurs at the appropriate time in relation to student instruction Provides districts and schools local flexibility to manage resources For Smarter Balanced (grades 3 – 8 and 11 ) schools must wait until 66% of the school’s annual instructional days have been completed before testing (leaving an approximately 12-week test window) School-Level Test Windows: Reminder of Requirements TAM, Section 5.2: School-Level Test Windows
T EST C OORDINATOR T RAINING Managing School-Level Test Windows: Resources District-level users may optionally set school-level test windows by grade and subject in TIDE TDS will only list tests for TAs to include in a test session during that test’s school-level test window Recommended (but not required) to help districts ensure that the right tests are administered at the right time
T EST C OORDINATOR T RAINING P OLICY C ONTACTS Derek Brown, Interim Assistant Superintendent of Assessment & Accountability o Essential Skills Implementation o (503) Holly Carter, Interim Director of Assessment o Test Security and Administration Policies o (503) Jon Wiens, Manager of Accountability & Reporting o Accountability and Reporting o (503) Beth LaDuca, NAEP State Coordinator o Brad Lenhardt, Monitoring, Assessment, & Accommodations Specialist o Accessibility & Accommodations o Alternate Assessment o (503) Kathleen Vanderwall, Manager of Test Design o Test Development o (503) Test Improprieties o Regional ESD Helpdesks: assessmenthelp
T EST C OORDINATOR T RAINING ODE will provide information through DTC listserv and Regional ESD helpdesks Regional ESDs are the best source for assessment support The state has been divided into three regions: Willamette ESD, Douglas ESD, and InterMountain ESD Regional ESD contact information online Regional Support Structure
T EST C OORDINATOR T RAINING Related Reading Requirements by Role User RoleDescription District Test Coordinator Sections 1 – 14 of the TAM Appendices A – F of TAM The Oregon Accessibility Manual (OAM) School Test Coordinator Sections 1 – 12 of the TAM Appendices A – F of the TAM The OAM
T EST C OORDINATOR T RAINING ODE staff contact information: Assessment and Accountability webpage: Regional ESD Helpdesk contacts: Test Administration Manual and Best Practices Guide: Accommodations Manual and Webpage: Extended Assessment Updates: Extended Assessment Manual: Promising Practices: Training Modules: Test Security Forms: Online Resources