OCR National Certificate in ICT (level 2 course) Business & ICT Department
Business & ICT Department Overview The qualification focuses on the practical application of technology in the workplace Equivalent to 4 GCSE grades A*-C No exams, all portfolio based assessment 6 units over 2 years Each unit contributes an equal amount to your overall final grade The course allows you learn independently and collaboratively
Business & ICT Department Aims To develop an understanding of the ICT sector To develop skills, knowledge and understanding in contexts that are directly relevant to employment situations, thereby enhancing pupils employability To develop pupil’s ability to work autonomously and effectively in an ICT context To enable pupils to develop knowledge and understanding in specialist areas of ICT To support and encourage progression to sixth-form, further or higher education programmes
Business & ICT Department A different way of learning and assessment Vocational 3 teachers, 10 lessons a week Real-life experiences Focus on key ICT and learning skill development Continuous improvement of portfolio work
Units The core unit is entitled ‘ICT Skills for Business’. Specialist units may include: Webpage Creation Desktop publishing Technological innovation and e-commerce Career planning for IT CAD and CAM Creating animation for the WWW using ICT Creating computer graphics Creating sound using ICT Business & ICT Department