Region-1 Technical Activities Dr. Ali Abedi, Senior IEEE Member Chapters Coordinator Region1 Sections Chapters
About me Joined IEEE as student in 1996 DVP-chair, IT Society, Waterloo Section (2002-4) COM/CS Joint Founding Chapter Chair, Maine (2005-7) COM/CS Treasurer, Maine Chapter(2005-present) Region-1 Student Conference Chair, 2006 Maine Section Secretary (2006), Vice-chair (2007) Maine Section Chair (2008) Technical Program Committees in 2009: –IEEE GCC (Kuwait), IEEE IWCMC (Germany), IEEE CWIT (Canada), IEEE WTS (Czech Rep.) Occupation: Assistant Professor of ECE at UMaine IEEE Awards: –Regional Activities Board Friend of IEEE Award, 2006 –Best North American COM Chapter Chair, Oct-152
IEEE Technical Activities Strategy Short and long term goals: Increasing efforts to drive technology within the IEEE Improving value to Society members Improving services and opportunities for young professionals within IEEE Creating stronger corporate value and better services for practicing engineers 11-Oct-153
Regional Technical Chapters Coordinator Responsibilities 1. Establish and maintain communications with the R1 Chapters. 2. Work with the Area Chairs to help rejuvenate inactive Chapters. 3. Assist the Sections/Societies in the creation of new Chapters. 4. Find meaningful solutions to concerns and problems that are raised by the Chapters. 5. Enhance Regional Chapter management. 6. Develop appropriate training curricula, materials, and programs for Chapter officers, researching what the Societies have to offer. 7. Encourage mutual Chapter support by Societies and Sections. 11-Oct-154
Game Plan 1. Communications 2. Inactive Chapters 3. New Chapters 4. Concerns and problems 5. Chapter management 6. Training 7. Encourage mutual chapter support 11-Oct Communications 2. Inactive Chapters 3. New Chapters 4. Concerns and problems 5. Chapter management 6. Training 7. Encourage mutual chapter support Communication StrategyManagement Strategy
Game Plan - Details Communications Strategy – alias for Region-1 Chapters (Jan) –Webpage for sharing data between chapters (Feb) –Develop online resources to enhance webpage (Apr) Management Strategy –Activity data from HQ and analysis (Feb) –Contact all section/chapter chairs (Mar) –Training workshops in summer (Aug) 11-Oct-156
Networking with other Regions Identify other Regional Chapter Coordinators Study their activities and adopt best practices Contact society chapter coordinators Create a comprehensive list of available activities such as COMSOC-DLT or CS-DVP, etc. 11-Oct-157
Questions / Comments 11-Oct-158