Exam Format Exam Date: Thursday June 27th, 2015
(Review is at the end) 60 minutes 50 marks Part 1a Multiple Choice 10 Questions /10 Part 1b Fill in the Blank 5 Questions /5 Part 1c Matching 5 Questions /5 Part 2 Short Answer 5 Questions /15 Part 3 Long Answer 1 Question /15 Chapters 2-7. Not a lot that’s testable in Chapter 1, so don’t worry about it
Collection of questions from across chapters Should not take longer than 10 minutes Questions will offer between 4 and 6 potential answers ◦ Hint 1: Statistically speaking, your first answer is usually the correct one. ◦ Hint 2: You can’t get a question correct if you do not provide an answer – answer all MC, whether you know the answer or not.
You will be provided with a sentence that includes a missing word. You will be provided a collection of words, one of which will be correct. Fill in the blank space with the correct word. Should not take longer than 5 minutes ◦ Hint 1: You cannot get the question correct if you do not provide an answer. Provide and answer for each question
You will be provided with a series of terms You will be asked to connect those terms with definitions provided Hint:…I’m not going to give you a hint, I expect this to be pretty easy.
Allot 3 minutes per question, 15 minutes total Answer the question asked! You have a choice – 7 questions provided, answer 5 Answer should be about a paragraph long (three sentences is probably reasonable, longer is okay, but keep track of your time) Single word answers not acceptable Point form not allowed
Allot (approx) 20 minutes for this section Answer the question asked! (15 marks) You have a choice of 3 questions, answer 1 Answer should have multiple paragraphs, with introduction and conclusion Point form is not allowed. How long? However long you need to answer the question! 10 non-allotted minutes. Use your time wisely.
Language dictionaries are okay, but BRING YOUR OWN – you will NOT be permitted to borrow a neighbours’ Absolutely NO talking ◦ Zero Tolerance Policy in Effect (will result in a 0) No electronic devices (phones/calculators/electronic dictionaries) Standard definition of cheating applies: if you are caught in the act of academic misconduct, you will be assigned a zero on this midterm… seriously.
What is government, what do they do? What is legitimacy? Sovereignty? ◦ How are they different in different political systems (ie authoritarian, totalitarian and democratic regimes – some of this might be in chapter 4) What are the components of a state? What is an institution? Failed States, how do they happen? What’s a nation? How is it different from a state? ◦ What’s a myth and a s
Why is political philosophy important? What are the differences between Liberalism vs Conservatism vs Socialism? Does it matter if humans are good? Equal? Why? Is government good or bad? ◦ Is a lack of government (anarchy) good or bad? What’s the difference between liberty from and liberty to? Tyranny of the majority – is there too much democracy? Nationalism, what is it? Where does it come from? Is it positive or negative? Why do governments pursue it? Why do important ideologies like environmentalism and feminism not fit on the “left/right” scale?
What is the best role for government? ◦ Involvement or not? What is a laissez-faire economy? What are the objectives of a political system? What are constitutions? Are they all the same? How do constitutions come into being? What’s the difference between usage and convention? What are the functions of constitutions? What is a liberal democracy?
What are the branches of government? Which one do we interact with most often? Why is the bureaucracy important? What are the qualities of an effective bureaucracy? What’s the difference between head of state and head of government? Why is representation a complicated concept? What’s the difference between a bicameral and unicameral legislature? Examples? What is judicial review? What is judicial activism? ◦ Are these two concepts problematic? What’s the difference between the common law and civil code? What are the differences and similarities of the parliamentary and presidential systems?
What is the difference between Confederal, Federal and Unitary Governments? Does federalism always work the same way? Are central governments always the strongest level of government? What’s the division of powers? What’s the difference between reserve and concurrent power? What’s the difference between a conditional and non-conditional loan?
What are the strengths and weaknesses of different electoral systems? What is gerrymandering? What’s voter apathy? How do we fix it? What are the roles and types of political parties in liberal democracies? What are elections? What’s the role of the party in an election? Is money the same as speech? What are the implications of the answer to this question? What are the benefits and drawbacks of the different tools of direct democracy?