Lions Communicating on the Internet By Lion Dan Uitti, PDG n Lions Use the Internet for many purposes n How Lions use the Internet n What Lions do on the Internet n What Lions say on the Internet
Let us address these questions n What can Lions use the Internet for? n Why should Lions use the Internet? n How can Lions utilize the Internet? n How do we keep in contact with Lions that are not on the Internet?
What can Lions use the Internet for? n On-line Brochure n Information to Lions n Getting information from Lions n Communicating by Reducing costs and providing more information, faster, newer and in less time.
Why should Lions use the Internet? n A growing number of Lions are on the Internet n means that you do not wait to get in touch n Communication is clear and in writing n Communication is TWO WAY n Saves time and gets more Lions involved n Attracts new and younger members
How can Lions utilize the Internet? n Make Webpages - the On-line brochure using is easier than ever n Promote the idea and collect addresses n Develop on-line Group at
How do we keep in contact with Lions that are not on the Internet? n The same way that we did before n Telephone Answering machines n Get FAX numbers for these Lions n FAX the webpages to these members n FAX the n WEB TV - the easy way to get on the internet without a computer
What are the negatives? Most issues can be resolved, or the resistance is so strong, that the individual is simply looking for a way out. n Privacy - learn the rules of the road n Too much Junk – Tell the sender that you do not want it. – Report Spammers – Change service or address and move on.
Get on the Internet n Become familiar with the media – Lions Clubs International – Connecticut Lions webpage – LionNet International
Join the lists n Connecticut Lions subscription contact Dan Uitti about joining your district list: n Lions list Name, Club, District, address n your CT NOW group Member list
Calendar section at n Click on the Calendar section from n Review dates and click on DETAILS n Send to or asking to have your club event added. n Send complete details
Join n Go to n Join as a new member n use your real address n for privacy, you may use a screen name: Lion Bob, Lion Jane n edit your profile Enter just enough information so your friends can identify you
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Community Groups CLICK HERE
Typical Lions Club Group n n n n n n
Leadership related groups n District Cabinet group n Regions and Zones n Multiple District Committees Promote Connecticut, Membership, Permanent Convention Committee, Leadership Development, Policy and Protocol n Get more done with less travelling and fewer nights out. Make the existing meeting schedule more productive.
Project related groups n Connecticut LEHP n CT Lions Eye Research Foundation n Low Vision Centers n Lions working with Fidelco n Lions working with CRIS These groups in BLUE do not yet exist, since they exist at the CT Lions webpage, the groups in PURPLE can benefit to their own group.
Creating a group at n Log in n Click on Community Groups n Click on Create Group just type
Go to the Communities section CLICK HERE
Start your Community Group
Community Group details n Group Title: n Type: Listed or Unlisted n Category: select Civic and Volunteer n Phone and Fax: n Custom URL: n Address: Use your Post Office Address
Other selections for your page n Choose a page layout n Choose a color set for your page n Choose a type style for your page n Enter a group description n Edit the picture on your page
Change at any time Group leader can Edit Group at any time. Just click
Invite others to join your group n Click on Member List n Scroll to the Member Center and n Click on Invite a friend n Enter the addresses n Type in a simple subject n Type a brief inviting message
Be encouraging, it is easy
Don’t nag - check invitations
Talk about it n Discuss it at your club meeting n Discuss it at your board meeting n Encourage all Lions to join n Bring the idea to your zone meeting
Typical Club Groups
Other functions at n Calendar of Events n Newsletters n Additional pages n Links n Message Board n Chat Room
Calendar of Events
Month at a glance
Adding links to your group
Click on Add Link n Web address to add (URL) n Name shown Lions Clubs International n Description Official webpage of Lions International
Featured Groups and Events
Are there any questions? We discussed: using the internet for n Publicity n Communication our goals are n Building our Clubs future n Increasing communication for less Door Prizes Contact me at any time at -