Facilitating Reflective Feedback as a Complementary Evaluator “It is when you lose sight of yourself, that you lose your way. To keep your truth in sight you must keep yourself in sight and the world to you should be a mirror to reflect to you your image; the world should be a mirror that you reflect upon.” ― C. JoyBell C.
Purpose of Training/Objective Participants will learn a protocol for the complementary evaluator’s feedback conversations. Participants will address the processes and skills required for successful reflective feedback conversations. 2
Agenda 3 1. Coaching, Reflection, and Evaluation 2. Reflection Feedback Conversation Thinking Map 3. Processes to Consider 4. Essential Skills 5. Video Analysis
What To Expect From This Session On subsequent slides, we will present a structure for the conversations and analyze each portion of the structure. As we do so, consider how each portion of the structure connects with coaching, reflection and/or evaluation. 4
Differences Among Coaching, Reflection and Evaluation Read Handout 1 Take a few minutes to reflect on what the differences are among the 3 terms. What value would there be to including all 3 concepts in the Complementary Evaluator process? What potential pitfalls would there be to including all 3 concepts in the Complementary Evaluator process? 5 Handout 1
Mirror Consider the quote on the opening slide and again on this slide. How do you interpret the quote’s meaning in light of your responses about coaching, reflection, and evaluation? What would be your various roles in the complementary evaluation processes? 6 “It is when you lose sight of yourself, that you lose your way. To keep your truth in sight you must keep yourself in sight and the world to you should be a mirror to reflect to you your image; the world should be a mirror that you reflect upon.” ― C. JoyBell C.
A Thinking Map for the Conversations Take a minute to predict how the thinking map template’s design and how it could be used in a reflective feedback conversation. We will then go in-depth with each element. Handout 2
Explain the Process and Purpose Purpose: Allow the teacher to know what to expect from the conversation Length: 2 minutes Key Considerations: Expectations, length of conversation, scores, roles, set the tone 8 Handout 2
Explore the Teacher’s Perspective Purpose: Seek to understand how the teacher views their own practice Length: 5-8 minutes Key Considerations: The evaluator is exploring the teacher’s perspective and comparing it to his/her own. Ask questions and listen to the responses. 9 Handout 2
Expose the Teacher’s Strengths Purpose: Expose a strength(s) or relative strength and the impact on learning Length: 5-8 minutes Key Considerations: The evaluator should focus the conversation on how/why the strength impacts learning. Handout 2
Expand the Teacher’s Repertoire Purpose: Expand the teacher’s repertoire of teaching behaviors Length: 10 minutes Key Considerations: This part of the conversation includes what happened and the impact on learning, along with how to improve the teaching behavior and how/why the improvement impacts learning. 11 Handout 2
Extend the Learning to the Classroom Purpose: Get the teacher to commit to implementing the teaching behaviors that were discussed Length: 3-5 minutes Key Considerations: Part of both the discussions of the strength and area for growth, extend the conversation back to the classroom and instructional practice 12 Handout 2
Scores and Evidence Purpose: Compare scores and discuss other key indicators of teaching and learning Length: 5-8 minutes Key Considerations: All teachers are different. The goal is to do a comparison and talk about where there are big differences in the complementary evaluator’s scores and the teacher’s scores. 13 Handout 2
Processes To Consider Before the Conversation Ask the teacher to self-score and consider the evidence they used to determine the rating before coming to the conversation. Take time to reflect, plan, and prepare. Develop possible questions. Anticipate how the teacher may answer and how you would respond. Develop models with a focus on their impact to potentially use in the conversation. 14 Handout 3
Processes/Skills to Consider During the Conversation Take notes (where the teacher can see) and encourage the teacher to take notes. Use the framework/rubric, evidence, and script. LISTEN* Paraphrase* Question, but DO NOT Interrogate!* Pause Link/connect Focus on IMPACT and “whys” of instructional moves. Adjust your behaviors based on the teacher. Each teacher is different. 15 Handout 3 *Participants can access self-study modules for more information on this topic.
Ideas to Consider When Presenting Scores Compare and talk about the differences and why the differences exist. Ask the teacher to explain how they arrived at their rating(s). Explain how you arrived at a rating(s). Use the framework/rubric in order to be specific. Look for misunderstandings/different understandings. Apply the skills of listening, questioning, and paraphrasing. 16 Handout 3 *Participants can access self-study modules for more information on this topic.
Processes to Consider After the Conversation Send resources. Follow-up to see how the teacher is continuing to process the conversation. Finalize your paperwork, as per your district’s requirements. Reflect on the process to consider areas of strength and growth for you as a facilitator of the process. Send resources. Follow-up to see how the teacher is continuing to process the conversation. Finalize your paperwork, as per your district’s requirements. Reflect on the process to consider areas of strength and growth for you as a facilitator of the process. 17 Handout 3
Video Analysis As you watch the video: – Identify the parts of the thinking map in action. – Note the questions asked and their impact on reflection. – Note the use of the various materials (notes, framework, evidence, etc.) – Write down any questions or wonderings you have. 18
Processing of Video Consider what you noticed in the video. – Elements of the thinking map – Questions – Paraphrasing – Listening/wait time – Processes – Materials 19
Objectives Check/Reflection – Describe the protocol for the complementary evaluator’s feedback conversations and the purposes of each part of the protocol. – What processes and skills are required for successful reflective feedback conversations? 20 Handout 4