The Boat Ride By Colter Mouw Starring Jack- Always in front And John -the one who is in back
So where’s the island
According to my calculations…
We will arrive in…
About five minutes.
Ok sounds great!
So what’s your take on this whole Mordred thing?
I really don’t know, but we need to stop it.
Yes. I know, but how do you propose we do that?
That’s why we’re here. To find out Mordred’s real name.
No joke you just figure that out!
Nice Calculations…
Sarcasm. Learn it.
Now what?
I don’t know.
Lets try that castle.
Lets go.
The End
Hey! This is a restricted area.
The King actually is bound by his brother, Jack doesn’t die, and I really just made the end out of pure boredom. Thank you for you’re kind patronage. Please stand by for the following end credits.
Created by Colter Mouw Directed by Colter Mouw Supervised by Colter Mouw Starring Colter as John And Jeff as Jack And Talyn as the Security Guard And Mr. Hammond as the King And a real super model as the super model And Tyler C. as the grappling hook Hahahahaha! I just wasted 1 minute and seconds of your life you will never get back, see you at the sequel… or will I.
The End