THE GREAT GATSBY CHAPTER 2 March 10/11. MARCH 10/11  When you walk in… Get out a book, a piece of paper and a pen/pencil  Today we are going to… Demonstrate.


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Presentation transcript:


MARCH 10/11  When you walk in… Get out a book, a piece of paper and a pen/pencil  Today we are going to… Demonstrate our mastery of chapter 1 with a quiz, followed by SSR Warm up our minds with a short writing prompt Share our thoughts on Chapter 1 and turn our dilectical journal into a tri- lectical journal Explore the power of rumors Begin Chapter 2  Homework… Finish reading chapter 2 and complete a second dialectical journal

CHAPTER 1 QUIZ  We are going to start off with a very easy quiz. You will version A, B, C, or D. Be sure to quickly take your own quiz, include your name on the paper and quickly turn it over when you’re finished. At that point, continue with your reading. (Teacher – Please set the online timer for 20 minutes and begin as soon as test is passed out. Collect quiz as students finish.)

WRITING WARM-UP People use vacation time or holidays to escape from regular routines such as work and school. Write a piece about a memorable vacation or holiday that you remember from the past. It can be memorable for positive or negative reasons. Please try to write at least ¾ page using your best spelling, grammar, punctuation, and diction. (Teacher please give students 15 minutes to complete this.)

STOP! PROOFREAD  Take two minutes to proofread your paper.  It MUST include: First and last name Class Period Today’s Date Original Title  (Teacher please collect these warm-ups now and staple the pile together per period.)

DIALECTICAL JOURNAL #1  Take 8 minutes to have an ACADEMIC discussion about the first chapter. Share each of your dialectical journals to get you started Analyze the characters and what you predict about each, what you like and dislike, whether they are realistic Are you confused by anything? Do you like the novel so far? What themes are you beginning to notice?  (Teacher, please set timer for 8 minutes and then roam around to “help” students stay focused on the task at hand. They may need prompting with further questions.)

STOP!  Now take 2 minutes to individually make notes, either sentences or bullets, in the third section of your paper. What did your group discuss? Did you learn anything new? Did you agree with your table? Did you write on the same things? Etc.  (Teacher, please collect these tri-lectical journals)

CHAPTER 2  Begin reading chapter 2 as a class. Pay particular attention to setting and symbolism. Valley of Ashes, Eyes of Doctor T.J. Eckleburg, the apartment in New York…HMMMMM……

HOMEWORK  Finish chapter 2 and complete a second dialectical journal. Remember, these will be used for your essay, so work hard on the depth and analysis of your chosen quote.