International Conference on the Millennium Development Goals Statistics EDSA Shangri-La Hotel 1 – 3 October 2007 Mandaluyong City, Manila, Philippines.


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Presentation transcript:

International Conference on the Millennium Development Goals Statistics EDSA Shangri-La Hotel 1 – 3 October 2007 Mandaluyong City, Manila, Philippines Welcome! A PRESENTATION Good Practices for Reducing Data Gaps: Papua New Guinea Wenceslaus Tulem National Statistical Office Port Moresby

Outline of the presentation Introduction National MDG Report Status at a glance MDG statistics reflection Functional Structures MDG Coordination and Implementation Project Core Working Group PNG Info System Policy Frameworks Statistical Services Act National Planning and Monitoring Act Interventions The Good Practices: NSO Census Statistical Surveys PNG Info System DNPM Composite MDG Index MDG Coordination & Implementation Project Challenges? Statistical Capacity Availability and Quality Expectations Data gaps to be reduced International Conference on the Millennium Development Goals Statistics EDSA Shangri-La Hotel 1 – 3 October 2007 Mandaluyong City, Manila, Philippines Good Practices for Reducing Data Gaps

The introduction of the Millennium Development Goals by the UN into the government planning process has lifted the awareness and advocacy of the MDG agenda to a new level. The government officially released the national MDG Report in The report basically presented the country’s profile, its views about localizing the MDG goals and its development priorities. The intentions were positive in taking onboard and integrating the MDGs into its national development framework. Although the process of achieving this was slow in the beginning, PNG now has managed to align the MDG framework into its arching development framework, the Medium Term Development Strategy (MTDS), and aligning it to the sectoral plans. While the MDG concept was slowly setting into the minds of planners and policy makers in the bureaucracy, statisticians were still in the dark about their role in the MDG. THE LIGHT IS NOW ON US. We now know where we fit into the MDG equation and know our role to be more so important. Before I talk about interventions, it is appropriate to quickly reflect on the status at the time of the first report. International Conference on the Millennium Development Goals Statistics EDSA Shangri-La Hotel 1 – 3 October 2007 Mandaluyong City, Manila, Philippines Good Practices for Reducing Data Gaps

International Conference on the Millennium Development Goals Statistics EDSA Shangri-La Hotel 1 – 3 October 2007 Mandaluyong City, Manila, Philippines Good Practices for Reducing Data Gaps The Years After the 2004 National MDG Report: Status at a glance MDG GoalData Collection Statistical Analysis Statistics in Policy Monitoring and Evaluation Quality of Survey Data Poverty and HungerWeak FairWeakGood Primary EducationFair WeakFairNA Gender EquityWeak NA Child MortalityFair Maternal MortalityVery weak Fair HIV/AIDSVery weak Environ. SustainabilityVery weak

International Conference on the Millennium Development Goals Statistics EDSA Shangri-La Hotel 1 – 3 October 2007 Mandaluyong City, Manila, Philippines Good Practices for Reducing Data Gaps MDG Statistics 2004 Reflection The reflection is generally not very impressive Weak in data collection and analysis Use of statistics in policy and M&E is very weak Survey data quality is generally good MDG Indicator availability for 55 Countries (July 2006, ESCAP UNSD) PNG has 52.1% of indicators available Among thirty eight (over two thirds of) countries that have no data available for 47 % of Indicators or more Only seven countries have data available for at least 66% of the indicators many data values are estimates by international agencies Data availability have increased substantially The story in short is: among many other data issues, we have huge data gaps. This is the central issue of this presentation: What are the good practices for reducing the data gaps?

Functional Structures Good functional structures enable organizations to achieve their objectives. MDG Coordination & Implementation Project (DNPM) National MDG Steering Committee –Membership from very senior bureaucrats Technical Working Group –members drawn from NSO and DNPM –Provide technical advice –Team leader Core Working Group –members drawn from DNPM and NSO –Team leader –Provide Secretariat PNG Info Team –Membership made up by NSO, DNPM and Development Partner (UNDP, UNICEF) –Team leader International Conference on the Millennium Development Goals Statistics EDSA Shangri-La Hotel 1 – 3 October 2007 Mandaluyong City, Manila, Philippines Good Practices for Reducing Data Gaps

Process Structure NPC NMDG SC NEC MDG CIP Tech Work Group Core Work Group PNG Info

Policy Framework The Statistical Services Act: empowers the National Statistician to manage NSO. Creation of the National Statistical Service –Includes other government departments –Provincial administrations –Other institutions Core Functions of NSO –Collect, process, analyze, present and disseminate statistics –Economic Surveys (Int. Trade, ABS,CPI & National Accounts) –Population Census –Demographic & Health Surveys Data Analysis *** Statistical Coordination * Good structures complement effective implementation of policies: These policies translate into interventions, we are about to see. International Conference on the Millennium Development Goals Statistics EDSA Shangri-La Hotel 1 – 3 October 2007 Mandaluyong City, Manila, Philippines Good Practices for Reducing Data Gaps

Interventions The government realized, after the 2004 MDG report was released, the essential need to have relevant indicators to evaluate and monitor its development policies and performance. The DNPM plays a key role in advising the govt. on national development planning. It is the lead department in implementing and enforcing the governments development policies and strategies. It is the lead partner in the MDG Project, together with the NSO. The interventions are in essence the good practices, and they are currently taking place in two fronts; at the DNPM and the NSO. International Conference on the Millennium Development Goals Statistics EDSA Shangri-La Hotel 1 – 3 October 2007 Mandaluyong City, Manila, Philippines Good Practices for Reducing Data Gaps

Interventions interventions by the NSO National Population Census 2000 A nalysis of the census data provided indicators mentioned in the first MDG report. Census 2010 will provide second data point for measuring change in MDG Census is expensive: donor funded most, with govt. component. Provide many indicators for Goals 1-3. International Conference on the Millennium Development Goals Statistics EDSA Shangri-La Hotel 1 – 3 October 2007 Mandaluyong City, Manila, Philippines Good Practices for Reducing Data Gaps

Interventions Good Intervention by NSO Demographic and Health Survey 1996: report was produced; but only one data point 2006 DHS Data Analysis -technical assistance is possibly needed How many indicators derived? -21 indicators altogether to be derived from the survey International Conference on the Millennium Development Goals Statistics EDSA Shangri-La Hotel 1 – 3 October 2007 Mandaluyong City, Manila, Philippines Good Practices for Reducing Data Gaps

Interventions Good interventions by the NSO PNG Info System has been installed at the NSO (July 2007) Computers have been setup LAN anticipated very soon Numerous training sessions held, internally for NSO and focal government departments/institutions Roll out programs to intensify –For other departments –and the provinces PNG Info is the most positive intervention that has taken place. A major step forward in addressing some of issues of data gaps. International Conference on the Millennium Development Goals Statistics EDSA Shangri-La Hotel 1 – 3 October 2007 Mandaluyong City, Manila, Philippines Good Practices for Reducing Data Gaps

Interventions Good intervention by the NSO Household Income & Expenditure Survey project document been submitted to the govt. for budget support Start February 2008, twelve months duration Take care of seasonal effects Poverty indicators (Goal 1) to be derived from the survey International Conference on the Millennium Development Goals Statistics EDSA Shangri-La Hotel 1 – 3 October 2007 Mandaluyong City, Manila, Philippines Good Practices for Reducing Data Gaps

International Conference on the Millennium Development Goals Statistics EDSA Shangri-La Hotel 1 – 3 October 2007 Mandaluyong City, Manila, Philippines Good Practices for Reducing Data Gaps Interventions Department National Planning and Monitoring The integration of the 67 localized indicators to the MTDS is a very positive intervention.. In order to track the progress of the implementation of the MTDS, DNPM has developed the Performance Management Framework (PMF). This is a collection of key performance indicators reflecting different aspects of PNGs rate of development and the contribution of government to this end. By tracking progress against those indicators, the PMF (of the MTDS) seeks to answer the ultimate question: Is the country developing?

International Conference on the Millennium Development Goals Statistics EDSA Shangri-La Hotel 1 – 3 October 2007 Mandaluyong City, Manila, Philippines Good Practices for Reducing Data Gaps Interventions Department National Planning and Monitoring Two major policy interventions: MDG Road Map (2007 – 2015) policy submission made to NEC for endorsement Develop a 6 year project for MDG NSO Census and surveys Road Map ( ) policy submission has been made develop a 20+ year plan for statistical surveys This interventions will ensure there will be funding allocation in the budget every year for statistical projects

Challenging Issues The challenging issues that can possibly slow our progress in reducing data gaps will come from; availability of data does not complement statistical capacity at national and provincial level Use data from administrative records, checked for quality and reliability for comparability purposes national and international do we have the technical capacity readily available to carry out these checks? data analysis and dissemination of statistical information Management PNG Info System Sustainably use it to meet its objective of improving data reporting processes International Conference on the Millennium Development Goals Statistics EDSA Shangri-La Hotel 1 – 3 October 2007 Mandaluyong City, Manila, Philippines Good Practices for Reducing Data Gaps