Presented by Jan Williams
“You see and hear it everywhere, "Web 2.0 This" and "Web 2.0 That" but what is Web 2.0? How do you define Web 2.0? Well, simply put, Web 2.0 is an Internet jargon term used to describe the newer generation of websites that are about "User-generated" content. By this I mean Web 2.0 websites allow users to collaborate and share information, opinions, comments, ideas, links, ratings, bookmarks, reviews, pictures, videos, and more.” Definition above for Web 2.0 from Alan Todd 20-simple-definition-please 20-simple-definition-please
Originally it was “sit and git” You searched and read and that was it Everything was one-dimensional The Web was really like a huge encyclopedia! We thought it was pretty cool to have the world at our fingertips…still do
These sites are two-way You read and you can respond! Anyone can interact There are lots of applications in the Classroom, but not all Web 2.0 tools are appropriate for classrooms
Wikis-terrific for collaboration View this clever video, “Wikis in Plain English” deo_id= deo_id=20514 Go to my wiki for a class I taught to teachers: Here is the wiki I have created for this session: om/ We will need to get each of you enrolled om/ Jump in and participate! You might want to wait until you have explored the lesson first!
Check out my Blog! After reading my postings, you should add your comments…you might need to create a Google account if you don’t already have one in order to post This one was created using Google Docs. I think it should be accessible at school, but if not, please let me know! Like Wikispaces, Blogspot is FREE! You can also do a blog on your Pow-Pak page. Best part about that one is that the teacher has to allow each posting to be published…keeps inappropriate comments from appearing
Easy webpage creation, available free of charge Can be used to create a quick page Teachers can post assignments, calendar, blog, and websites +Curriculum+Resources +Curriculum+Resources
Join the 2 wikis Start your own wiki. Be sure to identify your wiki as one for K-12 schools. You get more options and rights without paying a fee The Home Page should be general information. You can make additional pages by topic Let me know how I can help