Welcome to MEGS The Michigan Electronic Grants System http://megs. mde Welcome to MEGS The Michigan Electronic Grants System http://megs.mde.state.mi.us/megs/ Educational Technology Plan Submission and Review Last Updated: 10/2/2003
The Michigan Electronic Grants System Ed Tech Plan & MEGS The Michigan Electronic Grants System “Apply” for Educational Technology Review Current Education Technology Plan in MEGS ISD Technology Reviewers will review Ed Tech Plans on-line currently 22 are assigned in MEGS MDE will approve the Ed Tech plans Districts/Schools can update the plan at any time Common look and feel with other MEGS grants
What is needed to use MEGS? An Internet Connection Web Browser -IE 6.0+ -Netscape 7.0+ Acrobat Reader 4.0+ A Valid MEIS Account, entered in MEGS
Quick Facts About MEGS Internet connection Modem (telephone lines) will be sufficient. DSL or cable modems are faster. The faster the connection, the easier it is to use MEGS. Beware proxy servers and other security settings. MEGS Tips The MEGS URL has been updated MEGS website is great source of information. MEGS can be accessed from multiple machines at same time. MEGS is best viewed through Internet Explorer. All users can register to serve as Peer Reviewers in MEGS. “Do you want to be a Peer Reviewer?”
Internet Browsers: I.E. is preferred An Internet Browser is computer software used to browse (view) the World Wide Web. MEGS supports Internet Explorer 6.0 or Netscape versions 7.0 or higher. You can check the version number by clicking Help and then by clicking About Internet Explorer or About Netscape. If the version you have is below 6.0, you can download the latest version by going to: http://www.microsoft.com/windows/ie/default.asp http://home.netscape.com/download/ An Internet Browser is a piece of computer software used to browse (view) the World Wide Web. The two most common browsers are Internet Explorer and Netscape. They are free and can usually be found on most computers. The MEGS application supports IE or Netscape versions 4.0 or higher. You can check the version number by clicking “Help” and then by clicking “About Internet Explorer” or “About Netscape”. If the version you have is below 4.0 then you can download the latest version by going to http://www.microsoft.com/windows/ie/default.asp http://home.netscape.com/download/ Browsers are free software.
Adobe Acrobat Reader: Why you need it Adobe Acrobat Reader allows user to view PDF files. PDF stands for “Portable Document Format”. Regular Webpages which are programmed in HTML do not always look good when printed. The PDF format was designed for the Web to look consistent each time it is printed. MEGS uses PDF’s for those things that must be printed. Once Acrobat Reader is installed, all files in MEGS with the extension .PDF will be opened with the Acrobat Program. Adobe Acrobat Reader can be downloaded from http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html MEGS supports Adobe Acrobat and Adobe Acrobat Reader versions 4.0+
What is MEIS and how can an account be obtained? MEIS is the Michigan Education Information System. MEIS provides one system for the management of user accounts for a variety of MDE applications. In order to use MEGS (and potentially other State of Michigan systems) you must first obtain a MEIS account. This can be done by going to the following URL (Website Address) and clicking Create a MEIS Account: http://meis.mde.state.mi.us/userman/
Create a MEIS Account in four easy steps. Click Create a MEIS Account and enter the first and last name of the user account to be created. Click the Proceed to Step 2 button and add the basic biographical information. Enter Last Name first, then First Name. Use correct punctuation during step 2; MEGS stores the information exactly as it is entered.
More on MEIS Accounts Complete the security information used for getting password help. Verify the account information you have provided and click the Create New MEIS Account button. Answers to questions are used to verify the user when re-setting the password.
Confirming your MEIS Account The final screen will confirm your account. Hint: Print this page for your records. Hint: Change your password immediately. Warning: Passwords are case-sensitive. Your randomly generated password is guaranteed to cause you problems in the future. Change it immediately after creating your account. Your MEIS account must be entered in the MEGS database. Note: Every MEIS application has its own security system. Need to reset your password? Call the MDE Helpdesk: (517) 335-0505
How to access MEGS If your MEIS account is entered in MEGS, you can log in: This is a new URL: http://megs.mde.state.mi.us/megs/ The first screen provides a link to the login screen and a link to the MEGS Website: MEGS Website has: -training materials -allocation information -MEIS information -general information
The MEGS Website
Logging into MEGS Use the Login and Password obtained from the MEIS Registration Process to login. Remember, the MEIS password is case sensitive. If you receive an error message that you have a valid MEIS account, but are not authorized in MEGS, contact your Authorized Official. Need to reset your password? Call the MDE Helpdesk: (517) 335-0505
Avoid the Back and Forward Buttons MEGS is a dynamic, database driven, Web application. Content in MEGS changes according to information that is entered into the system. When applicants enter information into the system, it changes the way they see certain parts of the application. Therefore, it is highly recommended that users use the navigation provided within the application. Using the browser’s Back and Forward buttons to go to a page is not the same as clicking a link to go to exactly the same page. The Back button will simply load the cached (or saved) version of the page that exists on the local hard drive as it was the last time the page was accessed. By using the Back button, the user is not getting the latest information from the website, but rather an “older” saved version of the page. Avoid the Back and Forward buttons in order to always see the latest information.
Designating Authorized Officials Two Authorized Officials per district Authorized by the Superintendent Print and send in the MEGS Electronic Form You can also find forms on the MEIS website
MEGS Authorization Structure Level 5 - Authorized Officials Manage MEGS accounts for district/agency Add MEGS users for their district/agency Assign tech plan reviewers (ISDs only) Submit, amend and delete applications, amendments, and/or reports Level 4 - Application Administrators Responsible for managing the application (Ed Tech Plan) Initiate assigned applications Assign other users to participate in the grant writing or review process Notify Authorized Officials to submit applications, modifications and amendments Submit reports Can add/delete consortium/grant members or participating agencies to an application Access to assigned applications Level 2 - Grant Writers. This level has the ability to input and edit any data. Level 1 – Viewers. This level has the ability to view all parts of the application. Cannot input or edit any information.
Main Menu: the Ed Tech Plan in MEGS Main Menu Options View/Edit Delete Application Modify Application View History Standard MEGS options may be N/A New: Buttons are controlled by the status of the applications.
Main Menu: Application Security Level(s) To assign application security level(s) once users are added to MEGS: Select the user from the drop down list and click Go. Assign a security level for each application the user will access. To restrict access dates, enter a date in the “Date End” field. Click the Save button to save the assignments. New! Users can be added even if the application is already initiated.
Main Menu: Initiating an Application (4’s/5’s) From the Main Menu: Select the Educational Technology Plan from the drop down list and click Apply For A New Grant. Select Apply Now button Click the Apply button to initiate the application. This will send the user to the Application Menu. Option to initiate disappears once the Ed Tech Plan is initiated. Apply Now does not mean TODAY.
Educational Technology Plan Walk Through Application Menu Header Details Application Information Management Activities General Information Projected Annual Budget Educational Technology Plan Review Attachments Submitting the Application New look coming October 2003 Stacked menu bar Links to PDFs renamed
Header Details 6. Application and User Information 3. Help 4. Errors 1. Main Menu 2. Application Menu 5. Logout Main Menu – Returns the user to the page with all applications initiated by the user’s agency. Application Menu – Returns the user to the “home page” for the application. A feature built into this link is a JavaScript menu that allows quick access to other parts of the application. This menu has links to budget pages and program information. Don’t Touch Me! Ignore me at all costs. Errors – Tracks the progress of the application and alerts the user when any critical part is not completed. All errors must be addressed in order to submit the application. Logout – Logs the user out of MEGS. Application and User Information – Indicates the application that is currently being worked on, the applicant agency, the application number, and the current user’s name. Help – Takes the user to specific help information for each page. This feature is the first source of assistance for questions or problems that users might encounter.
Add Users to Application: Control Access to This Application To Give Users Access to the Application: Go to the “Add Users to this Application” table at the bottom of the page. Enter the MEIS Account IDs of the users to be given access to the application. Select a security level for each new user based on his/her function in the application process. If the user is a contact person for the application, select the type of contact. Two types of contacts can be added: Educational Technology Plan has Main Contact and Technology Director. Click the Save button to update MEGS.
Edit/Remove Users From Application Control Access to This Application To Edit or Remove User Access from the Application: Use the “Edit/Remove Users From This Application” table at the top of the page. Identify users to delete or to temporarily limit their access. To edit the user’s access, make the appropriate changes and click Save. To remove the user, click the box in the “Mark Remove” column to the left of the user’s name and click Save. The removed user will no longer have access to the application unless the user is given access again. Inactive buttons for temporary access control. Assigned contacts are displayed on this page.
Management Activities: View a PDF of This Application To View a PDF of the Application: Click the View a PDF of this application link to generate a printable version of the checklist. The PDF will include all information that is entered into the current application. One Click Solution: email sent when ready This feature is provided for agencies to keep a printed copy of the checklist. To save the PDF of your completed application, select “File – Save As” and save the file to your hard drive. Blank PDF is also available.
General Information: Grant Contact and Fiscal Agent Information To Assign or Change the Main Contact: Go to the Control Access to This Application page and make the assignment. When the assignment is saved, the user will be displayed on the Grant Contact and Fiscal Agent Information page. To Edit the Fiscal Agent’s Information: Go to the Main Menu and click the Edit Your Agency Information link. Only Authorized Officials can use this link. Change the information as needed and click Save. The only information that can be edited is the mailing address, phone number, fax number and e-mail address.
Projected Annual Budget Two Options Complete Grid by adding amounts for each function title. One year required; add up to three years Or Attach Budget Scroll to bottom of page to attach budget Guidance and example will be posted in Help.
Ed Tech Plan Review Save Educational Technology Plan Review: 16 Sections (7 links) Components listed in Ed Tech Plan Review document Review the component Add the page numbers Save ISD Reviewers will add comments MDE determines complete
Attachments: Technology Plan Technology Plan URL Supporting Documents To Upload Attachments: Enter a title for the file. Click Browse and find the file. Select the file and click Open. Click Upload Attachment. To view the attachment, click the Uploaded Files link on the Application Menu page. To replace an uploaded attachment, follow the instructions above. The new attachment will be uploaded in place of the current attachment. Option to indicate the plan was mailed to the ISD.
Submission of the Ed Tech Plan To Submit the Educational Technology Plan: Review Errors on the Application Menu. Notify Authorized Official that the Ed Tech Plan is complete. AO clicks the Submit Application button on the Application Menu. If there are any errors, an error list will be generated. Once all errors are corrected, return to the Application Menu and click Submit Application. The next page will present conditions that must be agreed upon when submitting the Ed Tech Plan. After reading and agreeing with the conditions, click the I Agree button to continue. MEGS will display a confirmation page. MEGS will notify the district administrator and the application Main Contact by email that the application has been received by MDE.
Application Status Levels Status levels are used to track applications within MEGS and are applied at every step of the process. There are two distinct status categories: Applicant and Consultant Applicant status levels that are “in progress” allow the user full access to the application. Submission will “lock” the application to further changes. Consultant status levels are used to show the level of review or to return the application (e.g. Modifications Required) to the user. Applicant Set Status Levels Application In Progress Application Submitted Modifications In Progress Modifications Submitted Consultant Set Status Levels Review In Progress Modifications Required Program Office Review Complete Plan Approved
Viewing Comments To View General Comments Click the View Comments link in the header of the page. A separate popup window opens and displays the comments for that page. General Comments or Annual Budget Comments Print option Checklist is interactive To View ISD Reviewer or MDE Comments on each section From the Application Menu page, click any Educational Technology Review link ISD and MDE comments can be read MEGS will provide PDF of completed checklist
Modifications Process Modifying the Application: Modifications Required: the Modify Application button is “lit” Level 4’s and 5’s can click Modify Application to begin revising the application, which changes the status to Modifications in Progress. Once the status is Modifications in Progress, additional changes are made by clicking the View/Edit button. Changes made to the application are shown by clicking the Modifications Summary link on the Application Menu. Level 5’s can submit the modified application by clicking the Submit Modifications button on the Application Menu.
Educational Technology Plan Reviewers . ISD/RESA Technology Plan Reviewers Assigned by ISD Authorized Official View Access in MEGS to all Ed Tech Plans for the ISD ISD, LEA, PSA, and non-publics Complete ISD Review section of checklist, sections 1-16 Make comments in review checklist Use the checklist to return application for modifications Enter in and Save date review completed Forward the reviewed plan to MDE for state approval
Requirement: ISDs Must Review Educational Technology Plans To Assign ISD Tech Plan Reviewers: Authorized Official logs in MEGS. Click the “Assign ISD Reviewers” link in the Additional Functions section. Only 22 ISD Ed Tech Reviewers have been confirmed into MEGS. If you are an ISD/RESA reviewer, please have your level 5 assign you the appropriate security level!
Assigning ISD Reviewers To Search for assigned ISD level Reviewers: Click on the Search button do display a list of assigned reviewers. Specify the grant name to display only one reviewer. To Add Reviewers: Click on the Add Button. Click the Add on the ISD Reviewer Page
Assigning ISD Reviewers Select Educational Technology Plan in the Grant dropdown box. Fiscal Year is optional Enter in the MEIS number for the person to be assigned. Click Save, information will be displayed.
Confirming the Assignment After Saving the selection, all relevant information will be displayed. After the assignment is complete, a link for the Ed Tech Review will appear on their Main Menu the next time they log in. Note: currently the ISD review link is displayed to all ISD MEGS users.
ISD Ed Tech Review Educational Technology Plan Review: Click link on Main Menu View complete list of ISD agencies: LEAs Non-Publics PSAs Click district name to view the application Contact names are email links
ISD Ed Tech Review Educational Technology Plan Review: Click links to display checklists Complete ISD level review. Complete by using the Review link Only MDE determines complete
To Complete the ISD Review ISD Ed Tech Review To Complete the ISD Review Click Review and Approval Information link Enter Date ISD review is complete Save date to display ISD Reviewer info on page Look here for copies of this PowerPoint and the Quick Guide.
Questions? LEA/PSA: ISD Reviewer Contact your ISD/RESA Reviewer http://techplan.org for a listing ISD Reviewer Contact Ron Faulds fauldsr@michigan.gov (517) 241-3525