Quick Facts for Parents of Humble ISD Students Debbie Hebert, PT, ATP May, 2014 Accessible Instructional Materials
AIM= Accessible Instructional Materials Video: Aim Simply Said
Textbooks: A Barrier to Learning ? Students with disabilities may have difficulty accessing essential course content in traditional textbooks and printed materials used in the classroom, for reasons including impaired vision, motor impairments and reading difficulties.
Four Accessible Formats These students may need the same content as their peers, provided in a different form, so that it is accessible to them. Braille Large print Audio Digital
Providing AIM at school The school will provide an accessible version of a printed textbook or core instructional material when a student requires it to meet the demands of his instructional program. The school district acquires these accessible formats from a variety of sources, depending on availability and whether the student’s print disability meets the criteria for exemption to copyright laws.
Considering AIM for School The 504 or ARD Committee considers the possible need for a different form of print based materials and determines which format is needed. The student should demonstrate benefit from a particular AIM format, before the 504/ARD Committee includes this provision as a reading accommodation in the student’s IEP or 504 plan. Informal tools, such as AIM Navigator and the Protocol for Accommodations in Reading may be utilized to assist the team in making the best recommendations for a student.AIM Navigator Protocol for Accommodations in Reading
Getting Help with AIM Contact your child’s counselor, diagnostician or case manager if your child is struggling to gain meaning from print based materials in the classroom but understands the content when presented in another format, such as when you read the text aloud to him. Ask for help to consider accessible instructional materials for the classroom. Central AT Services can assist campus teams with guidance to make effective decisions for AIM and with information to assist in acquiring and implementing AIM.
Additional Information Debbie Hebert, PT, ATP The following resources, also located on the AT Resources webpage, contain information related to the topic of AIM. Digital Reading Bookshare: Digital Books Learning Ally: Audio Books Kurzweil 3000 For extensive information about AIM related policies, creating accessible media, and training resources, check out the National Center on Accessible Instructional Materials