WHAT ARE SOLUTIONS? How are they useful in our everyday lives?
WHAT ARE PROPERTIES OF SOLUTIONS? SOLUTE: The substance that is dissolved (salt) SOLVENT: The substance that does the dissolving (water) Types of Solutions: Solid Solutions: containing two or more metals such as alloys) Gaseous Solutions: Mixing of any gases such as air Liquid Solutions: Solvent and solute are both liquid such as vinegar dissolved in water Aqueous Solutions: Solutions with water as the solvent
Like Dissolves Like Polar compounds such as water can dissolve other polar compounds and ionic solids Nonpolar compounds such as oils dissolve other nonpolar compounds Alcohols can dissolve both polar and nonpolar compounds but not ionic solids
How Do We Determine Concentration? Molarity Molality
HOW DO SOLUTIONS FORM? The formation of a solution such as NaCl involves the breaking of attraction among solute particles, The breaking of attractions among solvent particles, And the formation of attractions between solute and solvent particles
What is Saturation? A solution is saturated if it contains as much solute as can possibly be dissolved under the existing conditions of temperature and pressure Unsaturated: Has less than maximum amount of solute that can be dissolved Supersaturated: Contains more than maximum (How can this happen?)
What are Colligative Properties?