October 12, 2015October 12, 2015October 12, 2015 Sweepstakes 2013 Maximizing Score from Alabama As edited for ACG by Doug Haft KY4F Original by Ty Stewart,


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Presentation transcript:

October 12, 2015October 12, 2015October 12, 2015 Sweepstakes 2013 Maximizing Score from Alabama As edited for ACG by Doug Haft KY4F Original by Ty Stewart, K3MM and Jim Nitzberg, WX3B (PVRC)

October 12, 2015October 12, 2015October 12, 2015 The Tactical Plan ACG Club Strategy Outlined ACG Club Strategy Outlined Individual Operating Strategies Individual Operating Strategies Station Strategies Station Strategies

October 12, 2015October 12, 2015October 12, 2015 ACG: Club Strategy Maximum Participation Maximum Participation Sign up for the ACG Iron Bowl Sign up for the ACG Iron Bowl Even a few hours of operation on your part can make the difference in our club score! Even a few hours of operation on your part can make the difference in our club score! Operate both the CW and Phone weekends if possible Operate both the CW and Phone weekends if possible –Yes CW folks, give phone a try! –Yes Phone folks, give CW a try!

ACG: Club Strategy If you run (U)nlimited or Multi – SPOT EVERYONE, especially other ACG members. If you run (U)nlimited or Multi – SPOT EVERYONE, especially other ACG members. –Reverse beacon takes care of this on CW.. Corrections can be made! Make SURE you turn your log in by the deadline. Make SURE you turn your log in by the deadline. October 12, 2015October 12, 2015October 12, 2015

Individual Operating Strategies Make SURE all your equipment works BEFORE the contest: Yes, ALL your equipment. Make SURE all your equipment works BEFORE the contest: Yes, ALL your equipment. Double-check voice keyer, antennas, computers Double-check voice keyer, antennas, computers DO NOT GET HUNG UP IN PILE UPs. DO NOT GET HUNG UP IN PILE UPs. –SS is about RATE! –There are only 83 Mults Be Accurate – do NOT bust the call sign! Be Accurate – do NOT bust the call sign! –Don’t be afraid to ask for repeats –Get everything correct.

October 12, 2015October 12, 2015October 12, 2015 Individual Operating Strategies For full time efforts: For full time efforts: –Get Started at the BEGINNING of the contest – Saturday afternoon –Listen to the bands for 30 – 60 minutes BEFORE the contest starts to get an idea of the way propagation is running on each band. –Plan to operate until 2:00 – 3:00am Sunday morning on the first day – don’t give up too early! –Save your off time(s) for Sunday afternoon Limited time? Limited time? –Show UP on Sunday for a good time running stations.

October 12, 2015October 12, 2015October 12, 2015 Individual Operating Strategies Play to your Station's Strengths. You only get to contact each station once. Play to your Station's Strengths. You only get to contact each station once. –If you have a good 40m antenna – spend lots of time on 40 meters! Doh! Work the shortest skip band that supports high rate. Work the shortest skip band that supports high rate. –This is normally the lowest frequency open band –Keeps the QSO potential in densely populated areas. –SS is about rate. You need to stay in a target rich environment. If you use packet If you use packet –Do not waste time in pileups –Call later if you can’t get right through. –SS has only 83 mults. Rate, rate, rate.

October 12, 2015October 12, 2015October 12, 2015 Station Strategies Use Low, Efficient antennas. Use Low, Efficient antennas. –Dipoles and Inverted Vees at 35 – 50 feet make EXCELLENT SS antennas. 10 & 15 can be good bands however: 10 & 15 can be good bands however: –Don’t sacrifice early rate chasing the west coast Saturday afternoon on 10 meters! Be comfortable. Be comfortable. –Have snacks, drinks at easy reach. –Keep aspirin handy. (Especially on the phone weekend!)

Go Low EARLY 80/75m and 40 will provide amazing rate after sundown 80/75m and 40 will provide amazing rate after sundown –80/75m keeps signals in the target rich environment. EAST coast EAST coast Midwest Midwest –40 will cover West coast West coast PAC PAC October 12, 2015October 12, 2015October 12, 2015

How Skimmers and the Reverse Beacon Network Change the CW Game Allows pouncers to do almost as well as runners, even with one radio. Allows pouncers to do almost as well as runners, even with one radio. –Unlimited categories –Multi-ops Cure for the Sunday blues Cure for the Sunday blues Relatively high quality of spots compared to packet Relatively high quality of spots compared to packet October 12, 2015October 12, 2015October 12, 2015

Using Skimmer for Sweepstakes CW Add RBN to your packet nodes Add RBN to your packet nodes –telnet: telnet.reversebeacon.net 7000 –Consider adding some filters Limit skimmers to USA reports only Limit skimmers to USA reports only -Time out your packet spots for 10 minutes or sooner -EVERYBODY gets skimmed when they call CQ October 12, 2015October 12, 2015October 12, 2015

Station Strategies Consider operating SO2R for more fun on Sunday! Consider operating SO2R for more fun on Sunday! 75 meters is important for SSB! 75 meters is important for SSB! An inverted Vee at 50 feet with 500 watts will generate hundreds of QSOs on 75m SSB. An inverted Vee at 50 feet with 500 watts will generate hundreds of QSOs on 75m SSB.

Sweepstakes History File Can help / Can also hurt Can help / Can also hurt Does NOT replace listening! Does NOT replace listening! Can make your QSOs easier Can make your QSOs easier Use as a cross check / double check tool Use as a cross check / double check tool N1MM SS History file is available in our website file download area. N1MM SS History file is available in our website file download area. TEST IT, TEST IT, –Early! Not immediately before the contest. October 12, 2015October 12, 2015October 12, 2015

Not Operating? You can STILL HELP! How about lending out your station to a guest operator? How about lending out your station to a guest operator? Assist other ACGers with antenna and equipment “parties” Assist other ACGers with antenna and equipment “parties” Be a dedicated spotter and…get on the air and SPOT EVERYONE. This makes the game better for all of us. Be a dedicated spotter and…get on the air and SPOT EVERYONE. This makes the game better for all of us. A surprising number of folks do NOT use skimmer yet! Spotting matters. A surprising number of folks do NOT use skimmer yet! Spotting matters.

October 12, 2015October 12, 2015October 12, 2015 Send In Your Log You laugh, but individuals forget to do this! You laugh, but individuals forget to do this! Make SURE you mark your log for Alabama Contest Group. Make SURE you mark your log for Alabama Contest Group. Send it in by the deadline Send it in by the deadline Save a copy of the ARRL’s robot receipt Save a copy of the ARRL’s robot receipt Make sure your LOG was received CORRECTLY! Make sure your LOG was received CORRECTLY!

Fall, 2013 Propagation Do NOT waste your time on 10 & 15 – Your density of callers is likely to SUFFER! Do NOT waste your time on 10 & 15 – Your density of callers is likely to SUFFER! 20m & 40m to be your daylight money bands 20m & 40m to be your daylight money bands 40m & 80m to be your evening/late night money bands: 40m & 80m to be your evening/late night money bands: Be aware that 80m can go long at times, however usually shortens up after midnight. Be aware that 80m can go long at times, however usually shortens up after midnight. October 12, 2015October 12, 2015October 12, 2015

Operating Schedule Full Timers Start on 20, move to 40, or just move right to 80 when the rate drops (SSB) Start on 20, move to 40, or just move right to 80 when the rate drops (SSB) CW: could start on 10 & 15, but don’t expect to stay there long CW: could start on 10 & 15, but don’t expect to stay there long If the rate drops, take a break at about 3:00am, but be ready to resume by 6:00am – 7:00am Sunday If the rate drops, take a break at about 3:00am, but be ready to resume by 6:00am – 7:00am Sunday October 12, 2015October 12, 2015October 12, 2015

Operating Schedule for part time operators Sunday is likely to be your most interesting day. People will flock to YOU for QSOs Sunday is likely to be your most interesting day. People will flock to YOU for QSOs –Fresh meat syndrome 40m & 75m will be great evening bands. 40m & 75m will be great evening bands. Any time you get on is better than NOT getting on Any time you get on is better than NOT getting on Low dipoles and 500+ watts = GOOD SCORES! Low dipoles and 500+ watts = GOOD SCORES! October 12, 2015October 12, 2015October 12, 2015

Tips for low power/limited antenna operations Late Saturday, all day Sunday is your most productive times. Late Saturday, all day Sunday is your most productive times. The “second” hottest band may actually be easier to make QSOs The “second” hottest band may actually be easier to make QSOs Make sure your SSB audio is optimized – have someone else check it out with you Make sure your SSB audio is optimized – have someone else check it out with you Avoid large pileups – move on if you can’t work someone in several calls Avoid large pileups – move on if you can’t work someone in several calls Pouncing? Listen and pre-fill the parts of the exchange so you copy the entire exchange before you call… Pouncing? Listen and pre-fill the parts of the exchange so you copy the entire exchange before you call… October 12, 2015October 12, 2015October 12, 2015

2013 Sweepstakes Dates CW: 2100Z, Nov 2 to 0259Z, Nov 4 CW: 2100Z, Nov 2 to 0259Z, Nov 4 SSB: 2100Z, Nov 16 to 0259Z, Nov 16 SSB: 2100Z, Nov 16 to 0259Z, Nov 16 Operate no more than 24 of the 30 hours Operate no more than 24 of the 30 hours Off periods may not be less than 30 minutes in length. Off periods may not be less than 30 minutes in length. Listening time counts as operating time. Listening time counts as operating time.

Log Submission: FASTER Within 2 weeks after each contest. Within 2 weeks after each contest. Your effort ONLY counts if you SUBMIT your log on time. Your effort ONLY counts if you SUBMIT your log on time. October 12, 2015October 12, 2015October 12, 2015