ORIGIN & DEVELOPMENT - CRIMINAL LAW Development of __________ Adoption of ___________ in America ___________ Crimes 2 Written Law Common Law
SOURCES OF CRIMINAL LAW Federal & State ___________ Bill of ______ ______________ Legislature _____ Decisions 3 Constitutions Rights Congress & State Court
PURPOSE & NATURE OF CRIMINAL LAW PC 15: Definition of Crime or Public Offense A crime or public offense is an act committed or omitted in violation of a law forbidding or commanding it, and to which is annexed, upon conviction, either of the following punishments: Death Imprisonment Fines Removal from Office Disqualification to hold and enjoy any office of honor, trust or profit in this State 4
JUDICIAL DECISIONS Stare Decisis (Latin term) Essentially means “Let the _______ stand” Meaning that the ____________ decision “stands” as the legal rule Also known as _________ 5 decision previous court “precedent”
CLASSIFICATION OF LAWS Adjective Law: Essentially are the ________ for enforcing laws Substantive Law: Creating, _______ and _________ rights, writing law _______ vs. Civil Law 6 methods definingregulating Criminal
STATUTE OF LIMITATIONS Commencing Prosecution ___________ must be filed within one year Two sections are _____: Three years 729 of the Business & Professions Code Perpetrator Out of State (See PC 803[d]) 7 Misdemeanors longer
CRIMES WITH NO STATUTE OF LIMITATIONS PC 799 Treason Murder Embezzlement of ______ monies Other felonies vary with statute of limitations 8 public
CASE CITATIONS & APPEALS California has ____ Appellate Courts State Supreme Court However, ________Courts can hear appeals from a misdemeanor case 9 six Superior
CALIFORNIA COURT SYSTEM CALIFORNIA COURT SYSTEM Superior Courts California ________ Courts – (State Courts of APPEAL) See Cal. Const. Article VI, Section 12. State ________ Court See Cal. Const. Article VI, Section Appellate Supreme
CALIFORNIA APPELLATE COURTS Appellant files the ______ Respondent is the _______ party Written ________ are published as either Cal. App. or C.A. 11 appeal adverse decisions
CASE CITATIONS PEOPLE V. WEAVER, 44 Cal. App. 4 th 154 Translates to: The People of California against a person named Weaver 44 is the _______ Cal. App., refers to the California _________ reports (which are published reports) 4 th means the fourth series of reports 154 indicates the ___________ of the case in the 44 th Volume, of the 4 th series, of the Calif. Appellate Reports, on page volume Appellate page number
CALIFORNIA APPELLATE COURTS First Appellate District (San Francisco) Second Appellate District (Los Angeles and Ventura) Third Appellate District (Sacramento) Fourth Appellate District, Division One (San Diego) Fourth Appellate District, Division Two (Riverside) Fourth Appellate District, Division Three (Santa Ana) Fifth Appellate District (Fresno) Sixth Appellate District (San Jose) 13
CALIFORNIA SUPREME COURT There are _____ Justices Written ________ are published in California Reports, which are abbreviated: Cal. or simply C. 14 seven decisions
SUPREME COURT CITATIONS People v. Lucas, 12 Cal. 4 th 415 This would translate to: The ________________ v. Lucas (Name of Defendant) 12 Cal. Means the 12 th volume of the ____________________ (Cal.) 4 th ______ ____ People of California California Supreme Court Series Page
ATTORNEY GENERAL OPINIONS ______ vs. ________ Opinions AG is the “_____ Law Enforcement Officer in the State” Authority of AG's Opinions: They don’t have the same authority as _______ They are _____________ decisions and entitled to “great respect” Must give a written opinion when requested to do so by the Governor, Secretary of State, Superintendent of Public Instruction. 16 Formal Informal Chief case law “quasi-judicial”
POLICE POWER OF THE STATE Areas of Police Power: Public ______ Morals General _______ Economic Prosperity 17 Health Safety Welfare
CONCEPT OF PREEMPTION Article __ Section __ of the California Constitution: Allows county or city to make and enforce laws that are not in conflict with general (State) laws These are referred to as either ordinances or municipal or county codes 18 XI7
EX POST FACTO LAWS U.S. Constitution and the California Constitution expressly prohibit Ex Post Facto laws Laws that are created ____________ These cannot: Make a crime more ______ Inflict a ______ punishment ______ the rules of evidence 19 “after the fact.” serious greater Change
DISTINCTION BETWEEN CRIMES & TORTS Crimes Victim is the _____ Penalty - Punishment includes: fine, imprisonment, removal from office, or death! Intent must be proven to be _______ intent Torts Personal redress Penalty - _____ damages only Intent – Torts include ______, not criminal intent French term 20 State Civil liability criminal
In a civil action, the plaintiff is the person that brings the suit. In a criminal case, the plaintiff is the District attorney who represents the people of CA. An action can be both a crime and a tort, ie: Battery 21
DEFINITION OF TERMS Mala In Se vs. Mala Prohibitum: Crimes that are inherently ____ vs Crimes that are only _________ by law Moral Turpitude: “________ or _______” acts 22 “Evil” prohibited Shameful Immoral
DEFINITION OF TERMS Crimen falsi: Falsification – forgery, ____________, fraud, etc. Infamous Crimes refers to “vileness, _____________” often associated with _______ or bestiality (PC 286, 286.5) 23 counterfeiting moral depravity sodomy
VENUE vs JURISDICTION The physical or geographical location of the court where the case is to be filed or tried is referred to as the _____ The __________ is the Courts legal authority over the defendant and of the crime 24 venue jurisdiction
Based on pretrial ________ would preclude a fair trial Defendant is too well known in the community Feelings of the community are such that a fair and ________ jury is impossible 25 CHANGE OF VENUE publicity impartial