Common Perception of the West Unpopulated Desolate Cowboys leading the way to the coast Great open spaces Gold everywhere
Reality of the West No typical Westerner No “one west” Cities, manufacturing, and industry developing San Francisco High immigrant population (just like the east) Epitomized the social Darwinist
Immigration Chinese Supported increased immigration for RR work Chinese Exclusion Act 1882 banned immigration Blacks Move west to escape oppression and discrimination Germans High plains east of the Rocky Mountains
Why Go West? Mining Gold and Silver Brought thousands to the west Supply seemed endless
Mining Towns Absence of women High crime rate Creede Colorado 20,000 people 250 saloons 120 gambling halls 100 brothels 4 churches
Why Go West? Rail Roads Big RR companies are given land to build Sell off land to buyers, make more money Cheap labor (Chinese) Monopoly on transportation People Goods
Why Go West? Ranching Demand for food in eastern cities Price high in N. cities Development of cattle drives (birth of the American Cowboy)
Ranching Woes Open Range Ranching Competition for land and water Land laws promoted fraud and violence Barbed Wire Protect land but restricted instincts of animals
Why Go West? Farming Homestead Act 1862 Cheap160 Acre plots of land for family farms Problems Expense of moving and start up too much 160 Acres not enough for commercial farming
Native Americans and the West Increased tension with whites Violence erupts Sand Creek Massacre Battle of Little Big Horn Crazy Horse Wounded Knee Legalized destruction Dawes Act (1887) Buffalo