Find someone who knows what the capital of Australia is
Find someone who knows who discovered Australia CAPTAIN JAMES COOK
Find someone who knows how Australians call themselves
Find someone who knows the name of the first inhabitants of Australia ABORIGINES or ABORIGINALS
Find someone who can name 5 animals that typically live in Australia
Find someone who knows Sherlock Holmes’s address
Find someone who knows where the Crown Jewels are kept AT THE TOWER OF LONDON
Find someone who knows when London was destroyed by a great fire IN 1666
Find someone who knows the name of the wax museum in London MADAME TUSSAUD’S
Find someone who knows the story of Phileas Fogg
Find someone who knows two names for the American flag STARS AND STRIPES / OLD GLORY
Find someone who knows whose face is on the One Dollar bill GEORGE WASHINGTON
Find someone who knows on what day Thanksgiving is celebrated and who can talk about its origin 4th THURSDAY OF NOVEMBER
Find someone who knows the names of the Simpsons and who can define their personalities
Find someone who knows the story of Pocahontas
Find someone who knows what Gandhi’s job was GANDHI
Find someone who knows the new name of the city of Bombay
Find someone who knows a famous story that takes place in India
Find someone who knows who wrote the Jungle book
Find someone who knows about the most popular sport in India and how it is played CRICKET