STEAM CENTURY Mass production was achieved by replacing water and animal power with steam power, and by the invention of new machinery and technology. Mass production was achieved by replacing water and animal power with steam power, and by the invention of new machinery and technology. machinery could function much faster, with rotary movements and without human power. machinery could function much faster, with rotary movements and without human power. Coal, water, iron, cotton Coal, water, iron, cotton „Laziness is the mother of progress and development of humankind, without laziness we would not be where we are.“ „Laziness is the mother of progress and development of humankind, without laziness we would not be where we are.“
CHANGE IS LIFE Changes in society Changes in society Urbanization Urbanization Chgange of transport Chgange of transport Environment Environment Changes in industry: Textile manufacture Metallurgy Steam power Machine tools Chemicals
INVENTORS AND INVENTORS AND INVENTIONS James Watt – steam engine, Copying machine Kay - John Kay - flying shuttle George Stephenson – rocket locomotive (1. railway) – Richard Arkwright – water frame – Henry Bessemer – gold powder from bronze, strength steel John Blenkinsop – steam (rack and pinion) locomotive George Cayley – glider Robert Hooke - optical microscope, universal joint, level
Steam engineFlying shuttleWater frame GliderUniversal joint Rack + pinion locomotive
THE GREAT EXHIBITION 1851 It took place in London in Crystal palace. It took place in London in Crystal palace. Economy, industrial, culture, design Economy, industrial, culture, design Crystal palace was designed by archytect Joseph Paxton. Crystal palace was designed by archytect Joseph Paxton. Money from exhibition were used to build Victoria and Albert Museum and Natural History Museum. Money from exhibition were used to build Victoria and Albert Museum and Natural History Museum. As interest, there was exposet diamond Koh-i-Noor. As interest, there was exposet diamond Koh-i-Noor. And first race in yachting was there as well. And first race in yachting was there as well.
QUESTIONS FROM VIKTORIAN ERA 1)Which was the name of one of the most famous serial murder? a)John the Killer b)Jack the Ripper c)James the Fighter
2) What is the name of autors of this series of books? a)Oliver Twist, Barnabas Rudge, A Chrismas Carol b)The Happy Prince and Other Stories, The Picture of Dorian Gray, A House of Pomegranates c)The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes, His Last Bow
3) What was legal in Great Britan, but today it is illegal? a)Slavery b)Drugs c)Robberies
4) Animals that you could normally met on streets in city? a)Peacocks b)Donkeys c)Rats
WOCABULARY Lazyness – lenost Lazyness – lenost Pit – d ů l Pit – d ů l Steam – pára Steam – pára Invention – vynález Invention – vynález Yarn - p ř íze Yarn - p ř íze Rack and pinion – h ř ebenové Rack and pinion – h ř ebenové Glider – kluzák/v ě tro ň Glider – kluzák/v ě tro ň Level – vodováha Level – vodováha
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